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Poems Lover

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Jehovah hinne Ahava - Ambrecel

I am bad at hebrew, And I know it, But I have the roots of these languages, Including Hebrew. So Hebrew is like Latin, With male and female is. Which I was looking for, God is love. What Jesus would have said, Because he knew the truth. Best I found, Is Hinne. And yes in my head I got, That is what would be properly said. So here is what Jesus would’ve said, “Jehovah hinne Ahava” Now Hinne, Mean



Star of David ArmBand - Ambrecel

This is personal, And I’m dealing with this in the cage. And yes Jewish is a religion not a race. So I have in my ex-husband’s past, His great grandfather is a rabi. That means religious leader of the Jews. Now his daughter, My former grandmother, Became christian. So this is tough, Here in the cage. I know my Lover did not come after me, And he could not be married to a saved woman. This saved woman, With Jesus



Rich Clear White Skinned - Ambrecel

That is a symbol, And people do look up names, I did. And I got A “Yes” in my head. Rapist stalker media abusive pissing whore, In telepathy, Wants the world to know, Her last past life, She was a racist. And yes it showed up in her wishes. Yes it is out there. Claire means Clear. So the Symbol like in my Love. Is that my Lover, Wanted a white woman. Oh he tried to seem like, He’d be with black women,



Coach did All of this, and she is George Sand’s mom?- Ambrecel

I’m George Sand, And I’ve known this for a long time. So Coach being mom, Was no surprise, Since that means, She is a dance, Over two centuries ago. She was a christian. And her name was Sophie-Victorie Delaborde Yup, It is like me, I’m Mandy-May sometimes. Prayer wishes happen and they come true. So these prayer wishes started in the 1700’s, OH MY GOD, And Coach is a dancer, Bad Actress,



Vampires are Animals - Ambrecel

I do sleep naked, I do this, Because men, Seeing a naked woman, Do not know what to do. Seeing a woman in clothing, De-humanizes her. Makes her available. When being naked makes me an animal. Men do not touch, Alone sleeping naked women. Because they know she is a person. That is me, And I trust, God to protect me when I am sleeping. Coach wants this, And she also wants it known. That animals re



I'm the ***CENSORED***- Ambrecel

Or formerly known as, The ***CENSORED***. I love being a ***CENSORED***. Anyway, Coach came in today, And Yes I am not a Michael Jackson fan, Not hugely, I’M A COACH FAN. And yes she started as a cheerleader, Now she is the cheering coach. Well, Animals talk in telepath, And that is what Coach wants me to say, And there is gonna, Be another poem about the same topic, And through out the book series now.



Too Young- Ambrecel

Too Young is a book that is coming up, And yes a person, That openly picked on me, And still does, Is too young, And he does it on SNL, And Ellen. But hey, Things happen. Well, I don’t know him, And he does not know me. But hey My Lover and I, Are Boyfriend. So I happy, My Lover and Too Young, Are in contact, In a nice way. And Too young, PICKS ON BOTH THE LOVER AND I, In Boyfr



The Great Producer Promiscuous -Ambrecel

I’m the Promiscuous girl, And yes the Great Producer produced that one. Yes I lie right, Well here’s the truth. I was flirting with the Great Producer, And the lie I want, Is that he was in my town, Looking for talent. That is to protect a friend. You see he was fun to flirt with. And yes the phone call, That Nelly Furtado, Was singing, Was a phone call between, The Great Producer and I. Of course my Husban



Women are thought of as CRAZY -Ambrecel

My Lover and I are married, Crazy I cut my hair to marriage hair, Gods grooming. Like my Lover has to have a goatee someday, Because of his whoring, Or coveting other men’s wives. Yes I’m crazy to think I am married, With no alter, Dress and pastor. I guess my pastor is the two headed monster. Yes that woman is crazy, I’m crazy, Coach is crazy, Why are females thought of as crazy? Coach is an Angry woman, V



Is the Catholic Church Still against Masturbation? - Ambrecel

I masturbate to my Lover, Whom is my Adam, And Adam had no legal papers to be married to Eve. I want truth in these poems, And got mad at the lies that my Lovers, Abusive pissing media whore, Wants in here, For the poetry. I know I say these are all lies. I’m running against, The pissing abusive media whore, Is saying my Lover, Is cheating with me in Telepathy, Because of our spiritual, Married sex. And yes



Psalms and Proverbs -Ambrecel

Poems to get truth out there, And yes the Divinyls, Got into my Twitter yesterday. David wrote Psalms, As worship, Showing love to god, And yes to tell truths, That he could not tell. I do not know who wrote Proverbs, And yes I hate the bible, BUT I LOVE PSALMS AND PROVERBS. Poetry to read from the past! My Lover is like King David, A poet, That slue doubt, Or Goliath Which could be known as doubt bec



Tennessee ROCKS for Women’s Voting!- ambrecel

My Tennessee Lover, IS a bright man, So smart, He forgot to read his women’s history, And yes more photos and money would’ve happened, But he’s smart, I’m a crazy stalker, Stuck in his media cage, Because of his music, As a secret, Like Carly Simon’s, YOU'Re SO VEIN! Yes women’s politics is not an important media issue. Yes for two years I worked on this, Connecting 20/20 with experience, To 2020, Aug



Gay Days! Next Week!

I know I am a person stuck in the cage, As a secret to my Celebrity, And yes did not want to write this book. I wanted to write Angry Women, I got forced into this, By telepathy. I want BURT AND ERNIE tee shirts next week! Okay, I know I am risking my new life, To write these poems, And I know my Lover, Is male, While I’m gay! Yes I love my Lover, Who is male! Okay I do a good bi-sexual in re



Auto Winks- Ambrecel

I see them now, When a wink is not needed, In Jerry Macquire bathroom scene, Help me Help you, A fast wink came in. Well seen, Right on Tom Cruise. I’m in my cage, And knowing what I was supposed to write about, My Lover and I, Are in this enclosure together, And I love my Movies, It helps me get through the day, So I am watching for the auto winks, That fellow actors get, And yes a few month



Crazy Jesus- Ambrecel

Starting to develop ideas, For Trace the footsteps, And I need to write about 40 days and nights, And Jesus walking from town to town, Sometimes a two to three day walk, I’ll do this in Trace the Footsteps, That is after Angry Women, Which is for women’s politics, Like for Take Back the Night, National Organization for women, And Too Young, Because Too Young’s people, Are the children of Angry Women right?



Romeo Did It -Ambrecel

Appian way means Library, Tome keeper, Means Library. Okay my site Tome Keeper is gone. Which became Ambrecel. Romeo inspires me. And always has. I know when I started searching for my song writer, Who happens to be my other half, Of this demi-god. Weird I do not recall being good at music. Anyway, Romeo, Is someone I want to work with, And yes in 3-d, I am HUGELY ATTRACTED! And I can



It took three Parents one Jacket - Ambrecel

Okay need to tell the Jacket story, Which second Daddy, My Lover helped out with. It was the next day, After some shouting verbal abuse. That was right outside my apartment door. My ex-husband needed me to shop, So I got some money from him, And I gladly did this. So at the store, Unnamed, Because it means My Lover was cheating on Target, Anyway I have opinions on work wages at some stores, But I’m clearly



Focus on Music - Ambrecel

Which means remember I’m a Liar, And yes my Name, Amanda is in Tunnel Vision. Zoom Zoom Zoom. My Angry Men want wives, Not ***CENSORED*** whores on birth control. Of course non-stop ***CENSORED*** is the best Yes just like chasing Waterfalls, These Angry Men, Have three little letters making them face their final rest. Don’t you Love TLC. Yes I LOVE THEM! My Lover has grandparents, And ARE REALLY SOUL-Mate



Teach about Music- Ambrecel

How can I be with my Lover now? He’ll know I want the advertising Because I have to sell my books. And yes he did for his privacy, Change his name to Travis. I fell in love with a stranger. Love is something that surrounds a person, And yes his love is in the music. I hear it. I listened. And yes he was raised by a parent, From the music generation. Of transistor radios, And music around as love, Wi



A generation of Emotion - Ambrecel

Angry men, Have the tortured soul inside of them. But mixed media on how to behave. Some watched late night, Or another show, TSSJC, Because parents were not there, Or they were but the TV was the baby sitter. My Lover is in this generation. And yes the mixed signals, Of the parents, And the Boomer generation. Some of my generation is lost. Due to the politics. And yes we are supposed to take power



My Bands - Ambrecel

It started with a little lie, Because I LIVED in Littleton Mass. Yes a band formed there, Of five men. And yes Ms. Hunter, Was my 5th grade teacher, Now Scripts is gonna kill me. And burn my FIFTH GRADE PHOTOS PLEASE!!! The band had the WHITE STUFF. Okay I was not really into them. Well I find out over the past three years, The Prom King, For my Senior year, Is in another band. Wow I cannot wait to



Drama is Angry Men - Ambrecel

Drama Kings are Angry Men, You know these men, On the surface they have it together, But then they have the insane girlfriend, I will write about these women, In Angry Women. Yes I’ve been called crazy. Being a single mother, I never wanted to date, And I still don’t so I don’t date. Yes I did scratch the itch, Everybody does right. Free love with AIDS. That fear of AIDS, Keeps my legs closed,



Beyonce is Mama Fierce- Ambrecel

Age is an issue, And yes Dick in the box is coming up soon. No one has an issue, With Papa Fierce, Being older than Mama Fierce. They have an issue, Sometimes with me, Being older, Than my Lover. Papa Fierce had chest hair, And was tall. When a child was just dreaming of her destiny. When I had breasts, And could be naked in a shower, I saw someone who could not shave, Peaking in, At m



Pere and Marbles - Ambrecel

These wealthy women, Want my Lover’s soul dead. They want and desire, His soul to never feel love, And rot in a place, Where anal sex is right, That give anal tears, That poison the blood and brain of a woman. The women do not feel his pain, Of his penis hurting, Upon entry. Marbles was in the movie, Where the phantom penis got hurt, And for me a waking nightmare. Pere would go, I gave up a v



Nicki Minaj is in this- Ambrecel

Husband was stolen, So another man became my husband. Hard to explain, The souls being halves. Legal marriage happened, For both my half soul, And my Lover, To just friends. Jury is still out, Hips is making people listen. The Righteous still pound their books, Trace those Details. It hurts so much not being with my other half, Saying “I love you” And feeling nothing for my friend. It hurts f



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