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Star of David ArmBand - Ambrecel



This is personal,

And I’m dealing with this in the cage.

And yes Jewish is a religion not a race.

So I have in my ex-husband’s past,

His great grandfather is a rabi.

That means religious leader of the Jews.

Now his daughter,

My former grandmother,

Became christian.

So this is tough,

Here in the cage.

I know my Lover did not come after me,

And he could not be married to a saved woman.

This saved woman,

With Jesus inside,

And my ex-husband lied about being spiritually married and saved,

His great grandfather is a rabi.

I want honor that family.

But in the cage.

I have to focus on stuff.

I don’t want to focus on.

And my Little people,

Have that rabi inside them.

The little people,

Because of celebrity telepathy,

Of someone who confessed to do this,

Have been going through a hell.

Not only are they part black,

From me,

And Russian from me,

Two hated things,

I added,

Because I thought my ex-husband was my Lover.

Again my Lover decided in 2000,


Not to go after me.


So I legally married,

My ex-husband

So Celebrity telepathy,


Who clearly abuses my Lover,

And I.

TO get what she wants,

Has also tried to threat the little people,

And she hates on me.

And the little people.

My Little people,

Might have had to wear the Jewish Armband,

During the 1930’s,

My Little people,

Might have been killed in the gas chambers.

Lucky they live in america,

And will be christian,

Because the Jew,

Is gone from the family,


And I should NEVER honor the rabi,

In the family right?

I did honor the Rabi,

By using the hebrew word Love.

On a beloved child.

Her name has Ahava in it.

And she is loved.

But the dramas of someone,

Wanting something interesting,

Hurts me,

And the little people.

Jesus used the word Ahave.


Translated to Jehoveh,

Jehovah Ahava,

Is god.

Yes the male form or god is,


And Ahava means love,

The female,

Which is Adam and Eve.

Love in Hebrew is “Ahava”,

Which God is AHAVA!

So I love my little people,

And one is honored in hebrew,

For her great-grandfather.

A rabi.

She will be christian,

But have that history.

Is it wrong to protect her

From a celebrity,

And her media agenda.Lover


Adam and Eve spoke somehow before language was taught. It had to be telepathy right. I love you Madonna. Ester.


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