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My thoughts, life, rants and more. 

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My Lyrics

Hello to anyone who reads my blogs, I really don't think anyone does but I do this for myself and to document things as best as I can. I've always blogged here at madonna.com and I've blogged about my personal life and just about everything else that's on my mind at the time. On spotify I recently got verified so I can add and edit all my lyrics, I will even be able to sync them with the music. It is more complicated than you think, you cannot simply copy and paste. Ive uploaded lots of my lyric


butch1977 in Lyrics


So I'm calling this blog calm. I've been feeling anything but calm lately. My emotions have been out of control, and i've been having this anxiety attacks. Valentines day sucked, I was dreading it before it even came. It's like im trying to do whatever I can to not let myself get sad. And no matter how hard i try and try it just feels like i'm in a hole and i can't get out of it. I've been putting together an epilogue to the 5 eps, There are 3 songs that just kind of happened when I was recordin


butch1977 in Life

Kim Kardashian Hollywood App

So I really dislike the kardashians I've always loved Kris Jenner but not the rest of them. However on the Kim Kardashian app, I've played it on and off for a few years and deleted it and then downloaded  again. Then deleted it a few more times. Since Christmas I've been really getting into it. My character got married and I'm on the A list currently. I had not completed tasks and I went to the c list. But I've been doing modeling gigs with kris jenner and she gives me points. Just today kim kar


butch1977 in Kim Kardashian APP

Ticketmaster sux

So I've met a new friend. He's a nice guy. He is a cancer like I am. I've never went out with another cancer before. We hung out and I showed him my Madonna records. He was wowed by the Like a Prayer record and that it smells of pachouli. I might have misspelled that. So I was driving over to visit my friend and I stopped for gas. I wasn't shocked when the machine said 'card declined' I'm glad I had some cash and could put some gas in.   But anyways I mentioned how much ticketmaster sux, we


butch1977 in tickets

Celebration Tour

First I'm gonna say the last tour for Madame X,  I'm a legacy member and I got 2 tickets and I got them for 55 bucks. On Wednesday I heard about the tour and that the pre-sale was already happening.  So I went to check them out. I was only allowed one ticket, if I selected 2  it said I had to change it because tickets aren't available. So I wasn't excited about that. I'm not rich so I was going to use the option to buy now pay later. Well that offer was no longer being showed so I selected PayPa


butch1977 in music

Fake News

So I'm seeing these posts where fans are spreading this 'Greatest Hits Tour'  what I've learned over the years is that when Madonna is gonna tour you can't listen to fan sites. If she hasn't officially announced the tour, then there isn't a tour. All these people are getting excited from internet gossip with no official announcement,  come on people. If it's not on madonna.com then it's not real. These fan pages on Facebook are not reliable. 


butch1977 in Madonna

New Year New Me

So It's a new year and it doesn't really feel like a new me. On New Years Eve, my 5th EP Unhappy was released. I finished the project. It was quite an experience. The Happy Hokey EP and Unhappy EP were considered albums. They both had more than 5 songs on them and I think that has something to do with it. There were about 4 new songs that were added to Unhappy but they weren't technically added to Unhappy, There is gonna be a 6th EP. It will most likely be like the epilogue to the story. I also


butch1977 in music


I really wish I could have amnesia. Becuase if I did I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be up at 3:30 am on using the kim kardashian hollywood app. I first downloaded that years ago. It's like grinder i've deleted it then downloaded it again. i never really got into the game much but the last few weeks, I've been getting really sad and at night it gets pretty sad. I'd much rather be on the kardashian app at 330 then talking to some asshole on grinder because i'm lonely. Anyways on the app, i just got ma


butch1977 in Life

A Cold Lonely Night

Christmas has only gotten sadder as I've gotten older. I've become quite the Scrooge. The last five years of my life have been pretty chaotic. During this time something happened that turned things around and I was celebrating christmas. i was in love and I was actually happy. I miss that feeling. What is difficult is dealing with the aftermath that has been left from my brother. I would have not gotten dumped by email if my brother wouldn't have sabotaged things. I'm not just making up stories


butch1977 in Life

Erotica 30

So while the site was loading I was just looking at the image for the Erotica album, I always loved the font for Erotica I still remember anticipating to buy the tape. I can't believe that it's been 30 years. I was in high school and I remember that the parental advisory wasn't on all copies of the album. The tapes didn't include Did You Do It? I also remember being worried about my mom's opinion because. My mom didn't approve of the Open Your Heart video so my mom wasn't ready for Dita. Over th


butch1977 in music


it's after 4  am . I'm trying to not let my mind think about what I don't want it to. It worries me. I've been having this really negative feeling it. It seems like a new kind of low 


butch1977 in music


lSo I went on Grindr and saw or spoke to at least five guys who did not have any idea of what gooning out is or Goon, bator, gooner and I had to explain it to them but just a minute ago I see a notification come up on my phone and it's from scruff and I could see what the message says and it says 'come pick me up' one time I asked him if he knew what gooning was and he didn't know and he said he was fine and okay with not knowing it and gooning out is very serious. Let me see there are many term


butch1977 in gooning

Gooning Out

I am astounded with the amount of guys who don't know what gooning is. There are other terms and definitions but some aren't necessarily true. Well gooning out is would be under the umbrella of m********ion. So I'm not going get into details because it is explicit but if u are a detective you can find my demonstration video 'What is gooning, pt. 1-5' at bateworld .com lmao. I wonder if anyone will read this and do some Sherlock Holmes shit. I probably share way too much personal information on m


butch1977 in Music

I'm not going to get sad tonight

I said I didn't want to cry tonight, I still haven't but my song 'my Spanish Stuff came on and I'm feeling sad, now silver springs is on and I feel so unhappy and sad. Ever since the gaslighting letter I received,  I've had these sad feelings grow into a crying panic. When I had coronavirus it got much needed sleep . I didn't have any of the panic attacks that were scary. But I've started feeling sadder as the days go by. I hate Christmas time, it is always a sad time for me. I turn into scrooge


butch1977 in Sad

3 EPs down 2 to Go

My plan is to finish this musical project before the year is over. I redid all the demos except a couple. I have already wrote a bunch of sonnets for the next project. It's a different subject matter. I've been working on this music project for almost a year. I have put my heart and soul into it. It's still very difficult and it hurts  that I haven't heard a word from the person who was the inspiration.  The hurt hasn't went away, the love never went away. The hurt has only grown to sad and lone


butch1977 in Music


So I'm really focusing into my music.  Because if I don't get control of this sadness. I'm in trouble    Check Out Sonic Pressure on ReverbNation! - http://www.reverbnation.com/open_graph/artist/6953546


butch1977 in Music

Queen Elizabeth Causing a Commotion

Instead of writing a blog about how dreadful the new Hung Up remix is. I went live on youtube and blasted actual good remixes and Causing a commotion. I dance talk alot of shit. But I always keep it real. 


butch1977 in Music


This is my song First from the JustLuvEP    I also did a Spanish version     


butch1977 in Music


So I have no idea who Tokisha is and I really don't have any desire to know who she is. The little that I heard from the Hung Up remix was dreadful. Madonna has always had the best remixes so this is disappointing. The amount of fans who are turning their back on Madonna seems to be rising. It's pretty sad.


butch1977 in Music

Real Brown Eyes

So today my new single Real Brown Eyes dropped its the first song from my 2nd EP 'Just Luv'  Since I never planned on being a singer or singing songs. The title of this got lost in the recording process. These songs all were a labor of love and they were poems and sonnets for the man I was in love with. I wrote approximately 4 Shakespearean sonnets using the format and rhyme sceme. On my first EP 'FEEDER' there was a song called, 'Young Man, Brown Eyes/Animal fries. The version on Feed


butch1977 in Music

Just Luv EP

Well I just finished the Just Luv EP. It is the 2nd ed from the set of 5. It is going to drop on September 11, the first single to be released is Real Brown Eyes. Real Brown Eyes was written in the Shakespearean sonnet format. There are a total of 5 songs. These songs are all about love, as the Feeder EP was about food this is all love songs. Real Brown Eyes is about the same guy who loves Hotdogs.


butch1977 in music

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