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Get Madonna & Liz on Oprah

http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=120280754680810 Get Madonna & Liz on Oprah's last season. Madonna has been on Oprah's show twice. Let's GET HER ON THE 25 YEAR SHOW !! Oprah is leaving. Joining this group means that you sign the Madonna & Liz on The Oprah Show. 25,000 signatures will get it done. The Oprah Show will be ending on September 9, 2011 and Madonna has been on her show twice. Joining this group means that you sign the Madonna & Liz on The Oprah Show. http://madonn




The only way to write about this artist is to sit, have a glass of wine and write. He's a California guy and has remixed some fantastic versions I've heard. "They don't make them like that anymore" rings in my mind. He runs in the same circle with Dens54, Cleo and Pander. He's not as active as he was, maybe because the music isn't as inspiring as it was? The time has come to pay homage to ORNIQUE, a genuine great.  When i first ran across his remixes, i listened over and over... his sounds are



Capricorn April 2010

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2010   By Susan Miller     As a Capricorn, your career and reputation are of paramount importance. Few signs are as willing as you are to put in the long hours of work necessary to see the outstanding results you expect of yourself. Lately the pressure has been on you, due to a rare, once in three-decade position of Saturn in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. Responsibilities have been mounting and you seem to be in a phase where



Gone, The Dens54 Interview with MadonnaRadio.com

In Bulgarian and Spanish Madonna - Gone (Dens54 Post Toulouse Remix Edit) by madonnaradio madonnaradio Dens54 ! Kak si ? (*)www.dens54.net(*) Dobre,a ti? madonnaradio Dobre sam, radvam se za remixa ti na Gone. (*)www.dens54.net(*) Narichai me Dens please hehe madonnaradio hehe, ok, Dens. madonnaradio Chul sam niakloko demota na tova parche, kolko remixa na Gone she izdadesh ? (*)www.dens54.net(*) Napravih 2 remixa, 1 edit i edno video... Izpratih ti edin remix za ekskluzivno



Gone, The Dens54 Interview with MadonnaRadio.com

In French & English GONE, The Dens Pedrotti Interview. Dens54 is interviewed by Madonna Radio about his remixed versions of Madonna's song "GONE". This is the first interview conducted for Madonna Radio and a remix artist. Dens54 is a great artist and this is what he has to say about his new remix of Madonna's song GONE from her music album, Click here to purchase the original album "Music" by Madonna. The interview starts out a little "choppy" as we are using "Instant Messenger" for



Full Moon Libra 30,3,2010

Take a look outside, feel her energy this evening and for the rest of the week. She is a powerful one this month, and this is why ----> The Full Moon in Libra will help us open up ourselves to different types of love. To help us accept and potentially embrace the vaurious forms of love and relationships without judgement to connect and explore our personal relationships in order to expand our awareness of our own relationship needs and to help others expand their visions of love and



Oprah's final season (25th)

I've been writing Oprah through her website, she's asking viewers who we'd like her to interview for her last season, her 25th season. I wrote in a month or so ago about Madonna, of course. I asked to please do ONE LAST interview with Madonna. Last week, i wrote Oprah, after thinking for a while, and i asked if she would please interview Liz Rosenberg. Can you imagine what it's been like being Madonna's PR machine for her entire career ? I'd like to know. If you'd like to know, write her: https



Interviews lines up for Madonna Radio Experience

I've lined up interviews for the EXPERIENCE section of Madonna Radio, focusing on the remix artists. I'm conducting interviews with the Idaho coming up next and soon after, Aaron Darc and Dens54. I'm very excited. If anyone has questions, please do comment. Otherwise, I have a list of questions ! Love, David http://madonnaradio.com  



Previous entry from Madonna Radio's Experience blog

Dens54 Soundtrack. Placing descriptive words removes the essence (the be ing) of a person (or thing) so I usually refrain from describing someone or something. In the case of Dens54, I’m writing this to share my thoughts from years of being friends with Dens. He’s naturally talented in music, photography, graphic design, writing, he’s an all around artist. Dens is a Piscean guy (Feb 28th) who’s true calling, in my opinion, is music. His remixes are as moody as a movie soundtrack and, c



Madonna's Soul Age

I've discovered a book named "Instruction, Living the life your soul intended" and decided to dive in, understand the age and intentions of my soul's purpose, and discover Madonna's soul age and purpose, I believe she is a level 9 (of 10). Read, discover and reveal and I'll post back. I'll also post the discovery about my soul's age and why I'm the one who created all of this. I believe Madonna Radio and the work I put forth unites her fans, through her voice. I believe, if there is indeed an in



Day 5 2010

just really enjoyed listening to the music in madonna radio today. looked at the pages and most of them need updating. updated iTunes App with the song Revenge (Cleo's Ever Luckiest Mix) and a video for the song. updated youtube, dailymotion, twitter, facebook and wordpress.



Day Four Twenty Ten (Achille Sarcone)

http://madonnaradio.com/achille In 2005 i heard “Skin” by the Italian artist “Achille” and sent it to a friend asking if he’d ever heard such a mix. Completely unusual and crystal clear. It was difficult to listen to but i liked it. Over the years, It was a very rare occasion running across an Achille remix. Until “Madonnology” which includes 2 dubs, 12 mixes and 1 megamix! Today, I dedicated a page to his art and included a few more remixes, including his version of “Celebration”. When he relea



Day 3 of Twenty-Ten Instrumentals and Dubs

Synopsis: The Magic. Madonna Instrumentals are magical, relaxing and incredibly fascinating, it's like catching a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes.  http://madonnaradio.com/Instrumentals Trance music in it's pure form.++ The magic. http://madonnaradio.com/Instrumentals Madonna Instrumentals are magical, relaxing and incredibly fascinating, it's like catching a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes. When Madonna hears music, it sparks an emotion and she starts writing. One fri



Aaron Darc

What makes a perfect remix ? It's gotta have a soul. A Madonna remix has to arouse. An Australian named Aaron Darc does just that. Aaron Darc's remixes have soul and spark that certain emotion that makes you want more. Have a listen to his remastered version of "Time Stood Still (Aaron Darc Remix)": Time Stood Still (Aaron Darc Remix) Remastered by madonnaradio The first song I heard remixed by Aaron Darc was "Dance 2night". i remember where i was when i heard it, i was updating madonna radio



Day 1, Twenty-Ten

New remixes uploaded to iTunes (iLike) and Soundcloud. iLike/iTunes charges $400.00 (set-up, etc.) and Soundcloud charges €9.00 a month. When uploading to these sites, the updates publish to myspace, blogger & twitter. In order for remixes to appear in the main feed for facebook, i edit the blog posts and import using a facebook application. a little while later, the remixes show up in facebook’s news feed. timing is challenging for facebook. After selecting a few remixes for these sites, i



Introduction to Madonna Radio

Wrote this on December 25th, 2009 then again on December 27th, 2009 (my birthday) and published on New Year's Eve for 2010. Hello, Firstly i’d like to tell you that www.MadonnaRadio.com is dedicated to Madonna and her fans, playing Madonna’s music, live performances and interviews. The remixes are currently the main focus on Madonna Radio and all of the associated social networking sites. This blog is personal thoughts and experiences journal while producing the sites during the year of 2010



Dedicate, Interact & Request http://MadonnaRadio.com songs via iTunes, iPhone, iPod, iLike, Facebook, Twitter & MadonnaRemixes.

;-) incase you've missed some posted songs in facebook, in the past couple of years, visit these links for MadonnaRadio: http://www.facebook.com/MadonnaRadio?v=app_2309869772 and, now you can visit http://madonnaremixes.com to view/listen/request songs in the iTunes App.??You can listen to any of the songs in http://MadonnaRadio.com'>http://MadonnaRadio.com and request them to be included in facebook/iTunes (for your iPod/iPhone/Hard Drive) by posting on the MadonnaRadio wall in facebook (htt



Where to watch Madonna Celebration video (Streaming LIVE)

NRJ (France): http://www.nrj.fr/radio-510/nrj-hit-list-3218/nrjhit/ AOL (USA): http://music.aol.com/video/celebration/madonna/bc:36894536001 MSN (USA): http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-ca&vid=91060007-dadb-4ee5-8c69-234fd296cab2 MTV (UK): http://www.mtv.co.uk/artists/madonna/video/celebration AOL (UK): http://video.aol.co.uk/video-detail/madonna-madonna-celebration-2009-english/1201649736 Viva Tv (Germany): http://www.viva.tv/Videos/Detail/id/2089931target=blank MTV (Italy): ht



Capricorn September 209

Capricorn Forecast for September 2009   By Susan Miller     You are known to be the staunch realist of the zodiac, so you'll likely come through September in far better shape than the other signs. With planets squaring off into difficult patterns, you will have to cut through the clutter and deal with what "is" rather than what you had hoped would "be" someday. If this month had a message, it would be to deal with reality and to banish fantasy. Any situation that has a weak link will reveal



Fringe Show (Anyone Going?)

MADONNA'S bid to adopt a young Malawian girl is the subject of an African dance musical being performed at the Edinburgh Fringe. Mercy Madonna Of Malawi is an African spin on the singer's controversial adoption of four-year-old Chifundo Mercy James. The 50-year-old singer is played by African actor Robert Magasa who dons a blonde wig and pointy bra for the role. Award-winning director Toby Gough, a close friend of singer Kylie Minogue, describes the show as a "modern day African 'Annie'".



Madonna to visit Auschwitz

Madonna wants to take her children to Auschwitz so they can "see how lucky they are". The '4 Minutes' singer thinks a visit to the famous concentration camp will be "life changing" for Lourdes, 12, Rocco, eight, newly adopted Mercy, four, and David, three. The 50-year-old star - who is a devout follower of Kabbalah, a mystical religion based on Judaism - is expected to make the trip when her she takes her 'Sticky and Sweet' tour to Poland later this month, and has already asked her staff t



Facebook Fan Box Integration for Websites

Facebook has this really great option for websites, it's the Facebook Fanbox, here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/developers/wizard.php?page_id=18337467515   This is great! http://facebook.com/madonnaradio



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