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Oprah's final season (25th)



I've been writing Oprah through her website, she's asking viewers who we'd like her to interview for her last season, her 25th season. I wrote in a month or so ago about Madonna, of course. I asked to please do ONE LAST interview with Madonna. Last week, i wrote Oprah, after thinking for a while, and i asked if she would please interview Liz Rosenberg. Can you imagine what it's been like being Madonna's PR machine for her entire career ? I'd like to know.

If you'd like to know, write her: https://www.oprah.com/ownshow/plug_form.html?plug_id=3337311

Oprah is the standard for television's daytime talk show in USA. She's a force and when Madonna is with Oprah, she's certainly herself, i've never seen Madonna the way she is when she's with Oprah. I'd love to see both her and Liz in her last season.

- voila


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