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Crop circle is a prime # 31415926541

The reptilians are communicating with the reptilian base on the moon. I see these crop circles as being a desperate message to the main figure head leader of the Reptilian command on the moon. The earth bound reptilians can't wait till 2012 for next armada to arrive. These crop circles are encoded messages like paragraphs of information to the command. In the video if you place 1 to the last digit, you will find a large prime number 23:44 minutes into the video. They forgot to count the last cir



HARRP's 10KM depth range

HARRP’s correlation to earthquakes at a depth of 10 Kilo Meters: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_big.php Over the last six months I have browsed through earthquake data at this site. I have witnessed a phenomenon of many earthquakes with a 10km depth and it does not seem random.  I believe the low frequency bandwidth that HARRP emits bounces off the ionosphere at a calculated spot then reflects to a vulnerable fault line within the 10km range.  The mad scientists



Black Dragon of La Jolla, San Diego

The Black Dragon of La Jolla, San Diego As dark as obsidian and cruel as evil itself, a Black Dragon sleeps beneath La Jolla.  From ages past where time is nothing and magic everything; where man cowered by its sight, because it’s red eyes where lasers with a deadly light.  The Black Dragon sleeps at depth of 1.5 kilometers straight below Mt. Soledad deep within the caverns of La Jolla, San Diego.  This 70 meter dragon is named Hartattaken and he is a winged dragon, but due to being fed so ofte



Jewel Spirit Mate of Mine

Soul mate of Mine   Our spirits are supernovas of love God music and nature form its core We flow through time like doves A tree of knowledge is our horror   Our heavenly father knows you’re like a songbird second to none In my thoughts you are a river, which flows in my arteries of mud We failed utopia you and I Christ our debt to you is high   You are rolling hills and deep valleys Your mind is a sea of endless tides Your heart is a flame that no galaxy ca




Reminiscence     A sleepy Galleon in themist Beneath the orb of night Flickering candles kiss Hazel eyes delight   These desires obliteratecontrol Thoughts are elegant melonscolliding with a soul Escaping into a crescentmoon Memories translucent foe   Her veins feed afrostbitten pump Another fix of dopamine Creamy skin so pristine She left tracks like abruised bump   Dispatch fifteen queens tothe morgue Then squeeze a pawn into aknight Intertwined vital organs In rapture th



FEMA in Laramie, Wyoming Denver Reptilian Connection!

I don’t mean to scare you, but I would not posting if I did not think this was important for you and your families future. You can read and see videos on this world famous message board Graham Hancock regarding this warning.  http://www.grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.p...i=11729&t=11729 http://webgate.co.laramie.wy.us/_departmen...odplain_map.pdf Allison Draw Childs Draw Crow Creek Dry Creek Horse Creek Little Bear Creek Lodgepole Creek Porter draw Print out the Red portion if you can. Ve



Life Returns Christ

The sightless witness miracles Words rebound off healthy ears Too see the truth and stay blind As words were not enough For some only see entertainment As a substitute for What is real? Be brave I say Turn away From the heart strings That the common world Wish to follow The wicked constantly flee from the truth Judgment awaits   Oh yea of little faith Remember my service One such gift Shined from the father Lazarus was lifeless His body motionless for 3 days My ministry incl




Heaven Suspended serenely aye inspiring trust Adventuring into the mystery A source of visions where guidance Overflows of truths security Luminous clouds parting mist Washing, energizing, encouraging  Virtuous Endeavors  With positive reinforced dreams Of his church The Joy gave forth breath taken vistas Melodies soothing harp Choir light candle sound The comfort of knowing hope Is all around Smiles positively affirm  Chaste Occupation  When chosen  To these Engagements of men




Knights   When dark deeds are needed The clamor of steel Far away cold hearts are about to bleed Was Romeo fiction like Achilles’ heel   Bring me her locks I’ll take her lace Chaste hearts like the chalice of Christ We fight for justice to not be a disgrace   A babies cry As poor Widows sigh Enslaved I protect thee That’s when I die   The clatter of armor So many arrows caught in the fray Ebony kicking horse neighs Outnumbered yet remains unsaddled   A hero dies While savi



Soul mate of Mine

Soul mate of Mine Our spirits are supernovas of love God music and nature form its core We flow through time like doves A tree of knowledge is our horror   Our heavenly father knows you’re like a songbird second to none In my thoughts you are a river, which flows in my arteries of mud We failed utopia you and I Christ our debt to you is high   You are rolling hills and deep valleys Your mind is a sea of endless tides Your heart is a flame that no galaxy can tame Our noses are the



Countless many times:

Countless many times:  Societies, governments, Domains, principalities, area, bailiwick, concern, demesne, department, discipline, district, dominion, empire, estate, field, home, park, jurisdiction, kingdom, land, occupation, orbit, power, province, quarter, realm, region, rule, scope, slot, specialty, sphere, stomping grounds, terrain, territory, turf, walk, and wing succumb to revolution! Often the root cause of revolution is the rise of an immoral oligarchy which uses its power against a m



Jesus said, "Do not love the World"

Jesus said, "Do not love the World"   Dark Principalities of Deception:   Within a proper principality, the government works to net funds from its populous and is dedicated to securing its people; thus, unifying the powers of the state, which supports the dominion nation.   However, pertaining to equal representation, the dark principalities in the world skew the fairness of county affairs amongst its inhabitants. An unequal burden of taxes rides the backs of the working class, contrasted



Diablo of Mendacity

Diablo of Mendacity   When you set joy to the sky Will contentment clamor or settled desires fulfill? Freedom waits yet what choice complicates us to fly Wisdom is found in what way a heart sits still Joy and mercy from our creator Gently the comforter emanates ethereal light Yet oh dark one who loves a palace to praise an ego maker Pride so heavy that’s snaps a cord from heavens eternity When a fallen morning star deceives flesh with idolatry Angels notice demons gathering an army



I'm Christ's Messenger John 16:7-14

When shall I pass sentence?   Crimes committed are never invisible or absent from the eyes of the lord. What is a fitting punishment for evil deeds (2ndTimothy Chapter 3)? Where shall evil reside and to what place do we commit beings whose hearts and spirits constantly lust for wickedness? Surely we can forgive sin of the guilty; when the guilty affirms a consciousness, which feels guilt and desires forgiveness. The lord forgives the errors of sinners whom are of true faith, because his flock



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