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A message from the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Message For anyone who desires to know Christ, I have updated the webpage Holy Spirit. The link is below these paragraphs, as to make clear that Christ loves you and wishes you to know him and believe in him. This link or url is about the past, present and future from a spiritual perspective! I yearn for all you to read the message that I have posted here on Graham Hancock within Inner Space.  I had to edit the message for grammar and errors.  This is a Holy text sent to me via



Is Burning the Quran Legal???

Is Burning the Quran Legal??? How can we question a cornerstone of our freedom in America; whether to burn a religious text or not too?  Is it not legal to burn the American Flag?  What is more sacred a human life or a religious text?  Why do fanatical Islamists stone women to death for alleged adultery or adultery?  Are we not past these outdated inhumane laws? Yes we are as is stated in the 2nd covenant!  Does America have a constitution that states we have freedom of speech which includes Fl



Brandy is Sandy 2nd String

Madonna is 3rd string for Admiral War Mansfield       A Sea Worthy Dragon   The dragon came alive Upon a sea of many waters A Seabee of naval warfare The battleship was its lone survivor   It’s fourteen eyes Buoys of surprise The boats dart back and fourth Bishops the destroyers of love   Below the carriers decks Prowlers of the depths Three sharks with periscopes Tackle the orient express   NATO beckons its call In sorrow the sunsets on Raindrops A dragon of pain



I hate Crows

I hate Crows They bend their bows Such an awful bird the devil chose   Most crows are void of light They are not my delight Build a scarecrow And start a fight   Anytime anywhere you find a crow No this creature came from below Take your time and then blow them away A crow is a negative tow   A crow is black The Raven will attack This flying dark wing, its fruit utter darkness The ravens do not have light and its lack  



The Holy Grail

The Holy Grail   The cup the held the blood of Christ is actually the Holy Eucharist and there is no need to quest for it, because it will only bring a curse of death upon the seeker.  If you want the Armor of God then go to church and take the communion.  You will have great strength!



Why War

WAR   Here I am treason Our ego and avarice the reason Gold, God, Woman or land Drought so no food this season Oh cultivated laced beauty  Betray our rapture and tranquility She assails her doctrine and flees to her homeland This maiden the queen of treachery It’s all about wielding power To influence people like watering a flower Hopefully for freewill Maybe a ruse to enslave from an ivory tower   http://whywar.freeservers.com/Satan.jpg Idol of affection Monstrous and vile in



My pretend date with Madonna

Dear Madonna, When I was in Point Loma, San Diego I went to an Italian restaurant and pretended that you would be my date.  I ordered a bottle of red wine and lasagna.  The waiters thought you were going to show up and the restaurant became very busy.  I just want to say I love you and that you are my lucky star.  




Do you think the U.S military hit Haiti with HAARP for it's oil resources and also for its strategic location?   http://www.grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.php?f=6&i=13651&t=13651



Mental Ilness and just what is reality?

Does mental illness scare you and what are your thoughts of what reality is? I have empathy for the mentally ill. Yet I guess, if a mentally ill person was threatening me with violence I would be scared. I have what psychologists call Bipolar 1 which is just a fancy name for manic depression and I know that it is a stigma to have this illness in any society or culture. The only way I can explain manic depression; is first off I would have to start with the mania cycle. When I don’t take my med



Americans vs. Americans the bloody

Americans vs. Americans the bloody war that’s coming to our streets The war has been waged on the mind through the TV Since its inception. Some Americans are brainwashed into supporting consumerism, political agendas, snake oil economics, real estate values, interest rates, taxes, a totally unaccountable government and stock market values. In essences this materialism has completely ravished the spirit of some people living in America. The blind leading the blind into a dark abyss of disharmony



Genocide, Torture, The Illuminati

Below is a statement from a spiritual leader of the Illuminati. Also I placed the Q&A Link at the bottom. The Illuminati worship Lucifer and put God beneath Lucifer. Hidden Hand Illuminati: Because that is the part we have been contracted to play, in this game. In order to "win" (or more accurately to be successful in) the Game, we must be as Negatively Polarized as possible. Service to Self in the extreme. Violence, War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degrada



A declaration to the Illuminati

I see past your dusty plans What shall it bring? New Brands Out of what think cans It's really chilling knowing your mind Too see the NWO group mentality Is there truth in your so called power? Has the Illuminati become the lead for the NWO? So these FEMA Camps Have branded stars of David on the Anti-NWO people. When is the hour? Do the tea leaves drift down the gutters? And what about this 4th Reich rising out of Denver? Can a microchip control a soul? Can the entire human race stand for one



Mayan Calendar & Large Prime #

Mayan Calendar Prime#31224645446132146166453 Verify it Here: http://www.numberempire.com/primenumbers.php Goto this link to read about how I discovered it. http://www.grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.php?f=5&i=28751&t=28751  



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