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Brandy is Sandy 2nd String



Madonna is 3rd string for Admiral War Mansfield




Jewel's Sea Worthy Dragon

A Sea Worthy Dragon


The dragon came alive

Upon a sea of many waters

A Seabee of naval warfare

The battleship was its lone survivor


It’s fourteen eyes

Buoys of surprise

The boats dart back and fourth

Bishops the destroyers of love


Below the carriers decks

Prowlers of the depths

Three sharks with periscopes

Tackle the orient express


NATO beckons its call

In sorrow the sunsets on Raindrops

A dragon of pain its worship after all

A pagan harlot mother must take a fall


Where is my steel Bow?

Where is my leather scabbard of a red mood?

Where are my black arrows?

A knight with our armor and a pen of blood


The five support ships

Take care of mother carrier

Neglect daddy battleship

Moms’ bees fly while dads’ guns die


Cruising to cover the fleet

Mother carrier who is your superior

Send your hawks to save the seals

The cruisers two biceps flex


China you will be like bamboo

After the seals catch up with you

Use the chi of many a false deity

Run to the wall a partition between love


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