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Blog Entries posted by asimina

  1. asimina
    madonnalicious reader Susan was at Macy's on Wednesday night and sent in this report and pictures from the event: Hi there, it was an incredible party with fantastic dancers and Madonna looked totally gorgeous, as usual. We got to see Rocco dancing, and he was really good. It was so great seeing Lourdes next to her mom on stage, and her dad Carlos Leon was also there, as well as Madonna's best friend Ingrid Casares.
    There were models on stage modelling the clothing line, and I even got to meet Jose (see picture below), who was a dancer from Madonna's Vogue video, the Blond Ambition tour and Truth or Dare movie as well.
    The music was incredible and great to see Madonna's fans rocking out and having a great time. Was a privilege to be there!
  2. asimina
    Madonna is known for being tough, and her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, is apparently just as tough. She gave strict instructions to reporters at Wednesday’s “Material Girl” fashion launch at Macy’s. What happened to one reporter who chose to disobey is the stuff of legend.
    Rosenberg told reports they could each ask three questions of Madonna and her daughter Lourdes at the “Material Girl” event; and the questions had to be fashion related. According to reporters on scene, the “fashion-only” rule was to keep the press from asking about her newly arrested stalker.
    Well, since reporters are known for being oh-so-obedient, one reporter from “The Insider” decided to overstep her bounds, and ask a non-fashion question. The question had nothing to do with Madonna or her stalker, though. The reporter asked, “What do you think about Ashton and Demi breaking up?”
    Cheeky reporter!
    According to witnesses, Madonna’s publicist “slapped the microphone out of the reporter’s hand.” Rosenberg even went so far as to point “at the reporter and [say], ‘Bad girl!’”
  3. asimina
    madonnalicious reader Gabriel sent in this report from the Macy's Material Girl event that took place in New York City on Wednesday: I was at the Macy's event yesterday and wanted to give a report on it.
    My friend and I arrived around 3:00pm and they had already started to set up the pink carpet area where Madonna was to arrive outside the store. Slowly but surely it seemed more and more people with ticket passes had already started to line up as well. As time came closer for Madonna to arrive things outside became more hectic they kept telling the press/photographers to go here then there so we kept following them since they would be where Madonna was to arrive.
    Eventually they made everyone who wasn't media go around barricades so me and my friend decided to go inside Macy's because the store has several floors and Madonna was going to be on the 4th Floor so people where allowed up there to shop who didn't have passes. The part where Madonna was going to be at was set up like a Club/Lounge with a stage and in the middle that had a couch on it. You could see inside the sectioned off part when people would go in and out of there because there where curtains covering it from customers to look in.
    Once I got inside it was amazing. There were models dancing on platforms modeling clothing from the clothing line. It seemed to take forever for Madonna to get there and to get in but well worth it! It seemed like everyone was there, some of Madonna's dancers were there, Carlos Leon, Lourdes, Gina Brooke, Liz Rosenberg, Guy Oseary, Taylor Momsen, Ingrid Casares and Rocco. It was very casual, it seemed like an after party of an event or something there was a VIP section where some of them where at that was very accesible to anyone who was in there that was so cool!
    Madonna entered on the left hand side with Lourdes where the VIP section was it was so easy to see her which was so cool to us fans who were on that side. Madonna spoke and then the dance off took place as Madonna and her people watched from on stage. Madonna sat on the couch. The party was catered and had things like sushi and mini-desserts, as well as mocktails.
    Madonna THANK YOU for an amazing night and please do more things like this for us fans we love you!
  4. asimina
    An Evening of Art & Burlesque Inspired by Madonna Benefiting The Rainbow Center
    Saturday 25 September * 8:00pm-Midnight @ dooGallery * $10 door donation
    Madonna’s unfettered spirit of individuality will be used to benefit The Rainbow Center, an Atlanta-based organization who serves the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered (GLBTQ), those questioning their sexual orientation and gender, their families and friends. The Rainbow Center is a community resource and support center for social, therapeutic, spiritual, educational or volunteer pursuits.
  5. asimina
    Q: How did you find Madonna for this film?
    A: Madonna lived down the street from me, so she wasn’t “Madonna,” in quotes. I knew her from people who were in the downtown music scene. We started to audition more up-and-coming actresses who had done some films -– people like Ellen Barkin and Melanie Griffith and Jennifer Jason Leigh and Kelly McGillis, who had just made one or two movies and were getting known. But even though the film is a fairy tale, in a sense, it needed to be grounded in some kind of authenticity. We didn’t want actors putting on costumes and playing downtown.
    Q: You wanted someone who genuinely embodied it, rather than an actor who would be playing at it or pretending it?
    A: Right. And she hadn’t really done a movie before. She’d played in a band in the background of “Vision Quest,” whatever. But it wasn’t really an acting role. I hoped that because she is a performer and she had such an interesting persona, I could capture that on film somehow. And that does involve a lot of acting. People sometimes think, “Oh, it’s just being.” But it’s not. When you have to say lines and hit marks and get your lighting and repeat it 20 times from different angles, it’s acting.
    Q: Given her inexperience, did you have to make a case for casting her in the film?
    A: Well, yes. She had to do a bunch of screen tests. But it was the early days of MTV, and she happened to have a video that got a lot of rotation, because there just weren’t a lot of music videos at that time. I think it was for “Lucky Star.” So the the Orion people out in L.A. saw that and liked the way she looked. She was also helpful in auditions for the actor that was going to play her boyfriend. Somewhere, in a carton in my basement, I have Madonna and Bruce Willis doing an early screen test for that.
    Once More Into the Groove: ‘Desperately Seeking Susan’ Turns 25
  6. asimina
    Madonna's 13-year-old daughter Lourdes has revealed her mother steals clothes from her wardrobe.
    The 51-year-old singer - who recently launched teen clothing range, Material Girl, with 13-year-old Lourdes - often steals her daughter's style.
    When asked if she ever takes clothes from her mother's wardrobe, Lourdes said: 'Oh my God. Like....all the time! But she does the same thing to me now. But it's so annoying, like, like, because my feet skipped her shoe size, and it's so frustrating.'
    Meanwhile, the 'Celebration' hitmaker revealed that she loved working with Lourdes, but admitted they didn't always agree on everything.
    Speaking about her daughter, Madonna said: 'I think we complement each other but we do disagree on a few things. I wouldn't have worn this flannel shirt thing but she looks good in it so what are you going to do. I'm a very proud mum tonight.'
    Lourdes agreed, telling the Daily Mail newspaper: 'Yes there were definitely clashes but you know it all worked out in the end.'
    The collection - modelled by 'Gossip Girl' star Taylor Momsen and available to buy at US store Macy's - consists of clothes, footwear, handbags, jewellery and accessories.
    From contactmusic.com
  7. asimina
    The 59-year-old retired FDNY firefighter busted twice in four days outside Madonna’s Upper West Side apartment was charged today with stalking the pop icon, and he said he “won’t stop” until he actually meets the singer.
    Robert Linhart appeared in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he was charged with criminal weapons possession — a Leatherman knife and a pocket knife — as well as disorderly conduct, making graffiti, possessing a graffiti instrument and resisting arrest.
    After he was arrested, Linhart told cops he was allowed to be outside Madonna’s Upper West Side home.
    “I can be here. This is police brutality. I have a right to do this. I am not doing anything wrong,” he told cops, according to court papers.
    “I keep running into Madonna.” he added. “I saw her in 1992 and I’d actually like to meet her in person. I won’t stop until I actually meet Madonna.”
    Linhart even said arresting him won’t stop him from returning.
    “I’m going to go right back there [Madonna's apartment] and do it again,” he said, according to court papers.
    Prosecutors said they recovered an ice pick in his car.
    Linhart had been stalking Madonna’s apartment for several days, witnesses said.
    NY Post
  8. asimina
    A 59-year-old retired FDNY firefighter yesterday was busted for the second time in four days outside Madonna’s Upper West Side apartment, where he displayed signs professing his love for the pop icon.
    “Madonna, I need you,” said a sign strapped to the top of Robert Linhart’s SUV. “Tell me yes or no,” another sign said. “If it’s yes, my dream will come true. If it’s no, I will go. XXX.”
    The answer conveyed by Madonna’s security people was a definite no. Cops wound up handcuffing Linhart and hauling him to the 20th Precinct station house.
    He’s charged with criminal weapons possession — a Leatherman knife and a pocket knife — as well as disorderly conduct, making graffiti, possessing a graffiti instrument and resisting arrest. Linhart had been stalking Madonna’s apartment for several days, witnesses said. Cops on Saturday busted him on charges of obstructing governmental administration, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief and resisting arrest.
    “We thought he was homeless. But then we saw he had a car,” said Angel Melendez, a security guard in the neighborhood.
    The Toyota SUV contained artist equipment, a firefighters’ uniform and a Paris tour guide. One of Linhart’s signs suggested he has traveled widely to stalk to the aging pop star. It said he’d seen Madonna “this year” in Prague — she gave a concert there in 2009 — and added, “Meet me, please.”
    Linhart retired from the FDNY in 1998, a department spokesman said. For at least the past decade, he has lived in Huletts Landing, NY, a rural town on Lake George.
    He’s only the latest in a long line of wacky Madonna-wannabe beaus.
    A bodyguard in the 1990s shot and wounded Robert Hoskins, who stalked her in California and threatened to slice her “from ear to ear” if she didn’t become his wife.
    Madonna testified at Hoskins’ trial in 1996, despite admitting that being in the same room with him made her “sick to my stomach.” Hoskins was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
    When Madonna performed in Madison Square Garden in 2004, security guards ejected an alleged stalker who had bought a ticket to the show. And in 2000, her then-boyfriend, movie director Guy Ritchie, was accused of assault in London for slugging a stalker who admitted he was “a bit obsessed” with the star.
    NY Post
  9. asimina
    “Can’t we get this crane any higher? Why won’t this crane do as I say?!”
    That was a frustrated but still merry Madonna last Friday in Central Park, directing the final day of shooting her labor of love, “W.E.”
    Madonna as director seems to have found herself – another reinvention. She was dressed in running shoes, an unglamorous tracksuit, with her hair pulled up and sporting prim eyeglasses. She wore no makeup. For all the unflattering photos the tabloids and gossip sites love to use, she looked quite fresh. (Maybe not working out as much helps?)
    Madonna was in full control but apparently getting along with her entire crew, many of whom were British. (Take that, Guy Ritchie!)
    “She’s nothing like I expected,” said one member of the crew. “Not only does she know what she’s doing, she’s nice about it. And when she doesn’t know, she doesn’t pretend – she listens and absorbs.” Another said: “This has been a good experience for her, I’d say it was No Drama Madonna.”
    Two of Madonna’s female stars were on hand, Abbie Cornish, looking sexy in stiletto heels and a cinched trench coat, and Andrea Riseborough, who was costumed and made up to resemble the late Duchess of Windsor, in a gray suit. The likeness was uncanny. (The movie switches back and forth between the love story of Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII – who gave up his throne for her – and a modern-day tale of a girl who identifies with the Duchess.)
    At one point, a nearby band was noisily rehearsing for a concert in the park. Madonna pulled off her headphones, jogged toward the Bandshell (followed by 15 crewmembers and about 200 onlookers). She asked the band if they could hold off for about an hour. “I’ll be done by then, I promise.” She returned to the set giggling, “You know what they were called? Ween. I don’t know, I think I’m just overtired, I find that hilarious.” One of the crew asked how she’d gotten them to stop. “Well, I had to beat them up. We had a big rumble. Everybody knows what a tough broad I am.”
    Yeah, tough. All five feet four of her. She looked more like an elf than one of the most iconic showbiz figures of all time.
    Then it was back to business. The troublesome crane? Madonna eyed it warily. “It was so expensive. I’m going have to tour again to pay for that damn thing.” Then she grinned. “Hmm … you know, Ween has a crane, and I think theirs is bigger. I wonder if they’d do a girl another favor?”
    In the end, the sweeping skyline shot that Madonna wanted simply couldn’t be achieved. She took it like a trooper and mingled with her “guys” until all the equipment was packed up and ready to go. She said, “You know, it’s funny, this is the last day of shooting, and we’re shooting the last scene. The first day we shot, in England, we shot the very first scene of the movie. Everything else was out of sequence, the way it usually is when you make movies. It’s unique for it to happen this way. I hope it’s a good sign.”
    I asked her if she’d enjoyed directing and if she missed performing and recording. “I loved it. It was the most consuming, difficult thing I’ve ever done.” (If a task is not difficult, Madonna cannot relate.) “As for the rest, I’m sure I’ll perform again, but this job isn’t over. Now comes the editing!”
    Madonna – her own story is far from over.
  10. asimina
    madonnalicious reader DJ Johnny Blaze was #17 in the queue on Sunday to get a pass to see Madonna at Macy's on Wednesday. Here is his story and pictures of the new window displays, the queue and the pass: I got to Macy's at 7:00am on Sunday morning the line wasn't that crazy, thank God. About 30 minutes before the store opened they gave everyone a number to guarantee that we will get a pass for the party so we don't have to hurry and run getting items. Everything went pretty well, I've found some great bargains as some of the items were on sale which is great. I got my pass and now I'm looking forward to see Madonna on Wednesday!
  11. asimina
    Is it the rain, or is it the weather
    Am I insane to wanna keep it together
    Is it the moon that’s affecting my brain
    Is it my friends they'd never made it to heaven

    I’m in love with love
    Anyone can see
    Angels up above are watching over me

    Is it the sunlight that changes the seasons
    Monday through Sunday I am looking for reasons
    Is there an angel watching over my shoulder
    Trickin my senses or giving me shelter

    I’m in love with love
    Anyone can see
    Angels up above are watching over me

    I’m in love with love
    Is it the rain, is it the weather
    Angels up above
    Is it my friends keepin us together

    Is it the rain or is it the weather
    Am I insane to wanna keep it together
    Is it the moon that’s affecting my brain
    Is it my friends they'd never made it to heaven

    I’m in love with love
    Anyone can see
    Angels up above are watching over me

    I’m in love with love
    Anyone can see
    Angels up above are watching over me

    Affection is perfection
    When it’s done with ease
    I’m in love with love

    I’m in love with love
    Is it the rain or is it the weather
    Angels up above
    Is it my friends keepin us together
  12. asimina
    Madonna is currently directing a film called W.E., which has some scenes in Central Park. Unfortunately, some of the filming took place September 17, the same day as a Ween concert, and the director found their soundcheck distracting. According to Hidden Track via Gene Ween’s Facebook, Madonna herself ran up to the stage and demanded to speak to the band. They didn’t come out.
    The pop icon bought a few minutes during her conversation with [Ween's manager] as soundcheck was delayed until approximately 5:30.

  13. asimina
    Macy’s and Madonna invite you to the Material Girl VIP party!
    Join us for the hottest ticket in town as Madonna, Lola, and Taylor Momsen rock the party at Herald Square on September 22!
    Be one of the first 350 customers to make a $75 Material Girl purchase beginning at store opening on 9/19 and get your V.I.P pass to this star studded dance party!
    Macy’s Herald Square in Juniors on 4
    Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:30pm
  14. asimina
    Studio chiefs were desperate to cast Cruise in the role of mobster Henry Hill and Madonna was wanted to play his wife – until Ray Liotta and Lorraine Bracco won over Scorsese and the movie’s producers.
    Speaking to GQ magazine on Goodfellas’ 20th anniversary, producer Irwin Winkler admits, “Tom Cruise was discussed. Marty wanted Ray… Frankly I thought we could do a lot better and then me and my wife were having dinner one night in a restaurant and lo and behold, Ray Liotta came over to me. He said, ‘Look, I know you don’t really want me for it, but…’ And he sold me on the role right that evening. I called Marty the next morning.”
    Bracco beat out Madonna for the role of Karen Hill, despite Scorsese initially favoring the Material Girl.
    Fellow producer Barbara De Fina says, “Madonna seemed to be in the mix. I remember that we went to see her in the play Speed-the-Plow. Marty said hello to her afterwards. Can you imagine? Tom Cruise and Madonna? But Marty can get a performance out of almost anyone.”
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