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Blog Entries posted by rachwuvsmadonna

  1. rachwuvsmadonna
    Whenever I go on a Madonna forum, someone originally started a game a "caption this" game, ya know when you got to think what she (or Madonna) was doing in the picture! If I could still post on the forum without motherfucking paying for it grrrrrr wtf!  that's one of the games I would of started! Cuz it gets a lot of people's attention hehehe! I'm sure the Lady Gaga forums probly do that too!
    Anyway.... that's all I wanted to say! lol
  2. rachwuvsmadonna
    I'm sooooo happy I got the dvd yesterday! Well what can I say, anything that's madonna related that comes out on Tuesday, i'm going for it!!!
    I love the opening! <3 I don't know why Into the groove isn't on the cd though the performance alone is soooo fun and sooooo hotttt! <3 So I ain't complaining!
    I <3 you Madonna!!!!
    Now the next thing to cross off my list is RIT DVD! ::Taps foot::

  3. rachwuvsmadonna
    Oh that's right.....Warnerfuckingbrothers! lol
    I'm watching the celebration video collection, and I cannot believe they put a stupid black bar over her boobies and va ja ja lol What's the big damn deal anyway? they're just boobs and well ya know... If you were watching that with your kids you can simply tell them, ok cover your eyes lol
    Idk that just ruined my moment when I was watching that like Oh co'mon people! She was just showing off her fantastic boobs and other girly parts it's human nature duh lol
    Anyway, that was my lil rant for the day lol
  4. rachwuvsmadonna
    "Co'mon Vogue! Let's your body move to the music hey hey hey!"

    I discovered this song wayyyyyyyyy back into 1992! so I was still a kid and when I heard this song I thought wow this song is fricking cool who sings this? Oh Madonna? who the hell's that? damn she's a great singer! lol After about like 10 listens I was a hooked Madonna fan! lol thanks to my sister who played the immaculate collection overrrrr and overrrrr and overrrrr hehehe!
    Happy birthday Vogue! I love love looooooove you!
  5. rachwuvsmadonna
    VH1 used to be the shit, now it's totally bullshit! I watched it until the ***CENSORED*** editing came in lol I knewwww they were gonna cut out cursing! lol they skipped a good amount of good shit that went on with that fabulous tour! But it was fun to watch it again aside from the editing! Can't wait for the dvd!!!
  6. rachwuvsmadonna
    I'm sooooo excited to see this tonight!!! course I forgot about the editing shit! They better not totally ***CENSORED*** ruin it! I think they did that with CT when it was on NBC! Thank god for HBO, DWT was awesome!!!!!
    I'm definitly excited to buy the DVD on Tues!!!!!!
  7. rachwuvsmadonna
    I'm gonna go off Madonna topic here LOL Sorry!
    This is something that really concerns me and something that I really wish would stop!
    Whatever happened to love? Whatever happened to people coming up to you in the hall at school and saying "Hey I love you man you're such a great friend" Well that doesn't seem to be happening alot in the world.
    First it was cyber bullying which I think is the cruelist thing ever! Also, whatever happened to people waking up to the words "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" Alot people can be soooo damn cruel and stupid it's sickening. I've been reading this alot in magazines and hearing it on the news, I just heard about it on the news, so I wanted to talk about it. with kids getting bullied because they're either short, ugly, too fat, dumb you name it! Some choose to ignore it I guess some just can't handle it! I had that go on in high school but it was mostly these idiot random guys come up to me and be like "Hey my friend wants to go out with you" bullshit so i'd just roll my eyes and say "whatever, no he doesn't" and then leave it at that and walk away go with my friends.
    LOL originally I was gonna post this in my status on Facebook but since Facebook is sooooo damn picky with how much you write into your status you can only say so much! lol how lame! lol
    Anyway just something that's been on my mind.
    Thanks for listening!
  8. rachwuvsmadonna
    I'm sooooo excited for this! I forgot to watch the entire interview she did on Access Hollywood last night and remembered it repeats the next day so yay for my dvr!!! Macy's is perfect!!! I have a feeling it's gonna be flying off the shelves! I should apply and request that I can work in the junior dept hahahaha!
  9. rachwuvsmadonna
    I'm soooo excited to get my hands on this fabulous dvd/cd next week!!! It's like IGTTYAS all over again! <3
    It pisses me off since watching all the youtube videos all the fabulous fans posted and talked about the experience, I was soooo mad! I wanted to go sooo bad! It's a ***CENSORED*** when you don't have enough money! grrrrrr! Oh but god damn it Madonna i'm sooooo gonna see your ass! Even if I have to pull a 5 yr old version of me screaming on the floor having a tempertantrum well you'll know why! lol jk haha well there will be screaming if that comes down to it hehe!
    Anyways, I'm soooo glad theirs bonus features yay!! and no ***CENSORED*** ups it looks like! except Into the groove wtf is up with that yo! lol
    Caaaaaan't waaaait!
  10. rachwuvsmadonna
    I came across a thread a friend had on their profile, so I clicked on it and everything was there! Off topic section, games, I'm still a free member since I didn't wanna have to pay for it after alllllll that being able to sign up for free!
    I've heard people say Icon is a ghost town, mannnnn you ain't kidding! lol I wonder if the board I was able to post on was one of the old boards before it got switched over? I had to laugh cuz I noticed the board was ghostly white and you couldn't even seeing the posts people had unless you highlighted it! hahahahaaha Oh and the other werid thing was the people that did post on the threads, most of them said 5 months ago lol pathetic! God! I wish the people that do post on Icon, they should run the board they'd kick ass at it!
    Funny, There's even an old board on here as well but it said (read only) I thought that's how I was able to post anything but when I clicked on that it said error I didn't have permission<<<< See Icon that's what you do to all of us! Annoying.....helll ***CENSORED*** yes! That's why I per fer Icon Social it's nice and just another fun way to still keep in touch with everyone!

    The end

  11. rachwuvsmadonna
    I'm still so excited from last night! I still can't believe it! That was such a lovely surprise! To think I didn't think he was gonna respond or react after all those other tweets I've sent him and omg I guess this means i'm not a crazy obsessed fan! but who cares if I'am I love it! :D
    So what happened was I was talking to one of my friends and she got to take a picture with Guy, and I said I wish he would smile more often, his smile is adorable! So I added his name in the tweet since I did mention him
    He tweeted me back and said "I will try and smile more... when I see my kids I smile smile smile...."
    awwwww! <3 <3 <3
    Ok i'm gonna go take some tylenol now cuz I got so excited about talking about this again I have a headache! lol this happened last night! :D
  12. rachwuvsmadonna
    OMG! I want a pair sooo bad!! Ebay can wait! hehehe! Can't wait to see the ad! I knowww it's gonna be hot!!!
    yay finally some happy news in Madonna land! the S&S dvd! I'm pissed that Into the groove got fucked with! It got cut out of the dvd wha??????? ***CENSORED***! Other then that....yay I can't wait!!!!!
  13. rachwuvsmadonna
    Yes I love to write! It's so liverating and joyful! You can free your mind!
    So in my spare time I like to write Madonna fics! Funny, after I've written once I swear I thought it was real for a second but hey I can dream right? Lol.
    With these stories they're very sweet, light hearted, no violence! Cuz I don't like to think about Madonna get smacked around or smacked into a wall or beaten to death! Madonna is strong, and loving! <3 So I like to write in a love letter kinda feel lol My favorite lately are ones about her and Guy obviously cuz they were soooo perfect together! & of course M and Carlos, soooo adorable! I even did a cool one about M and Jesus! Just out of a curiosity what there wedding woulda been like and oh I don't know....she got pregenant.....man now that would be one frickin miracle hehehehehe!
    Anyway, if you wanna read them, awesome! Or if you don't wanna comment, that's fine! I hope you like my stories hehehe!
  14. rachwuvsmadonna
    Here are the things I did like in the video:
    I liked all the dancing
    I loved Beyonce's lines lol
    I loooooove the song!
    The starting & stopping in the video got kinda annoying I wanted to go no wait keep playing lol
    My biigest concern was when she killed the dog! I mean....Totally unnecessary! What was even the point of doing that?! I'm not a fan or with PETA or anything I just hate how people like the fact to do that with movies or even what Lady Gaga did. It's so uncool Gaga I hate you for doing that! I'd say reeeeee do! lol
    Her other videos she's done were fine but this one in particular was a biiiiiiig FAT no no!
  15. rachwuvsmadonna
    She is so adorable! I love this woman!  Her laugh is one of my favorite things about her! I wish I had all of her energy and wit! Her personality was the very first thing I totally fell in love with! I love her! <3I thought she made a great judge! She gave out good advice, course did she realllllly have to bring up about the pre nup bullshit? um hellllo M! I already knew that cuz ppl wouldn't shut up about you and Guy divorcing! lol
    I loved the arguing with her and Larry! Larry: What's wrong with you? M: Do not yell at me! Larry: Your a manhater M: I hate you!
    Even with M being on it made the episode alot of fun to watch the people that were on their were funny, odd kinda but funny! lol! I loved M's facial expressions! Larry & Ricky were so funny! M stood her ground!
    The host was kinda annoying I thought at one point M was gonna get up and smack him lol in a playful way that is! lol
    I thought she did great! I  wish she'd come back next week and do it again!
    This show is really hilarious!
  16. rachwuvsmadonna
    Because of her, she's the reason I became a Madonna fan! She was listening to the Immaculate Collection alot and I kept hearing certain songs being played over & over Rescue me was one of my faves I listened to so much! Vogue was my first favorite song from M! I used to sneak in her when she wasn't home and listen to some of her Madonna albums she has hehe
    She basically has them all except her first album & I'm Breathless lol
    She saw DWT which I was insanely jelous but was happy to watch it on tv at least on HBO with my mom lol
    I would love to one day see M on tour with my sister that would I think leave us both with pure joy! and because we got to be front row bitchies hahaaha
    Even through all the shit she's done to me since I was 1! that's right! all the practical jokes, the teasing and pranks & how many times she's pissed me off I'll still always love my sister no matter what! <3

  17. rachwuvsmadonna
    Thanks to a friend i'm following who mentioned this on Twitter, I think it's in reguards to her birthday, but I think! we should all do a International Madonna day everyday!!! If people all over the world do it that'll show how much we all love and adore our queen! Celebrate her everyday! yay! Rock on Madonna!!!
  18. rachwuvsmadonna
    If you wanna find out preeeepare to be spoiiiled! hehehe!
    I found this on another M forum someone posted, let's just say I totally spoiled myself lol!
    While I'm not able to give details, I did interview an anonymous fan who went, too. She had no such reservations:

    "Arrived early, around 3:20 p.m., to find maybe 55 or 60 people in line. They were looking for 200, so we felt pretty good. Then we felt pretty cold. Then we worried if we were pretty at all, because the fake-stern handlers eventually reiterated that the dress code would be strictly enforced. 'If you're in a T-shirt and baggy jeans, that's not gonna fly, people.'
    "Once our names and IDs were checked, we were led into 528 W. 57th (there is a small awning over the door with the logo for The Marriage Ref) and up several flights of stairs before being deposited in a small room with the news playing on a lone TV. It felt exactly like jury duty, which was interesting considering the theme of the show is that the host would judge marital conflicts after consulting with a celebrity panel.
    "Once we signed our lives away, we were led back out in a very orderly fashion and marched into the large-ish studio. Some VIPs with black bracelets were in the front row, but nobody recognizable. We were seated about halfway back directly in front of the three seats where the stars would obviously be seated...score! Unfortch, my friend's view was blocked by a stationary camera. Otherwise, they were great seats.
    "The set is cute and the logo reminiscent of David Letterman's in a strange way. Famous warm-up guy Joey Kola informed us we'd be watching, along with three celebrity judges, five segments on video (we wound up seeing four) of married couples explaining their major squabble, and that the celebs would then give their opinions on who was in the right before the host/ref Tom Papa delivered his verdict to the couples, who would be live via satellite.
    "Kola told us about an already filmed segment with other celebs in which the husband and wife were arguing about the husband's Mariah Carey obsession. This seemed to be a major  missed opportunity—imagine what Madonna would have had to say about that? We also watched a couple of couples' stories that they were apparently testing to see if they got great reactions. They were pretty stilted and overly rehearsed.
    "Finally, Kola introduced a very svelte Jerry Seinfeld, natty in a suit, who jogged out and did a short warm-up set for us that focused on how he never realized that the tone of voice he uses in any given situation would be a daily issue once he got married 10 years ago. It was classic Seinfeld and everything he said was warmly received.
    "Following his brief remarks, Tom Papa came out and spoke with us a bit. He's adorable and quite funny. Hard to believe he's married to a woman and is a dad. Anyway, we were also introduced to Maria Menounos of Access Hollywood, who sat at a separate station and sporadically provided factoids pertinent to each case. (She was actually useless and has a BIZARRE laugh that was beyond distracting.)
    "Then the A-list panel emerged: Larry David arrived in his trademark shabby get-up, Ricky Gervais looked tiny and much thinner in person and then there was Madonna, who came out looking like a million dollars in large bills. WOW. Madonna's hair is similar to how she wore it on the Hope for Haiti Now special and/or in the '4 Minutes' video, kind of wavy or crimped-looking. Her skin-tight gray dress with sequins on top was superhot. That plus her death-defying (and deadly) heels combined to deliver the kind of bombshell the show would continually refer to (Papa at one point said, 'I never thought I'd say this, but not now, Madonna!' and she was introduced in terms referring to her sex appeal as well as her status as 'one of the world's greatest entertainers').
    "From the beginning, Madonna was remarkably at ease with David, Gervais and Papa considering she can at times clam up on talk shows and these were all gabby professional comedians presumably prepared to generate quips or handle hecklers (which Madonna turned out to be). When Seinfeld returned during breaks, she also teased, 'Oh, here comes Uncle Jer!'
    "Without going into too terribly much detail on each filmed segment, the first involved a couple warring over a husband's refusal to clean up the basement vs. the wild-eyed wife's use of sex as a weapon, another saw a wife demanding her husband get rid of an old couch he owned with his ex while he wanted her to part with her dead hubby's prosthetic leg and ashes, the third was about a wimpy husband's intimate chats with his nasty mother about his wife and the last one focused on a hostile husband's demand that his wife stop parading around her five-foot pet iguana (which she dressed up in cute-as-hell hats) around the house.
    "David established himself as a self-described misanthrope (his usual character), Gervais would occasionally express wonder at the weirdness of the situations and Madonna had a steady string of funny non-sequiturs about not liking the couches she was seeing. Almost immediately, the two guys were opening making fun of the pointlessness of the show itself, and even Madonna cracked wise about the two hours or so they spent riffing—when one live-via-satellite spouse rhetorically asked, 'How much time've ya got?' Madonna faux-snapped, 'Not a lot!'
    "Madonna had terrific chemistry with the host—she sassed him, at one point commanding him, 'Tom, take control!' when the panel had gotten wild. 'Oh, like all the shows you do are so normal!' She just smiled and allowed him a 'touché!'
    "But she was also clicking big-time with David, with whom she had a mock adversarial give-and-take throughout the taping. After David described himself as a misogynist, Madonna said he shouldn't be on the show and declared he was probably threatened to be seated next to her, a woman who would stand up to him. Upon saying this, she stood up and struck a hand-on-hip pose that generated a lot of applause. She also taunted David for his casual dress sense (as Gervais noted, David and one of the contestants' hotly-contested prosthetic leg had similar taste in socks) and gave him the finger when a joke about his misogyny led him to say, '***CENSORED*** you!' to her face. 'I don't hate men, I just hate you,' she teased.
    "Is an appearance on Curb Your Enthusiasm out of the question???
    "During the breaks, all three stars were swarmed by groomers. Hysterically, when she was offered a coffee mug of water during the first break, Madonna quickly said, 'I don't drink from cups. I only drink from the bottle.' She seemed to enjoy getting reactions from the audience even if she rarely interacted with us beyond a couple of small waves and an air kiss to the audience seated above and behind her (think Spring Awakening). Her manager Guy Oseary was hanging out, rocking a salt-and-pepper beard. Liz Rosenberg was there, but I did not see her.
    "Not sure if the edited show will do bleeped comments or will be cleaner, but Madonna led the way into smut. (You go, girl!) She explicitly accused one husband of being gay, wondering if he'd seen any of her shows and quizzing him about his flaming-red tie. 'Ask him who picked out his clothes!' When he proudly proclaimed he had himself, Madonna was smug. 'Does Madonna approve?' he asked, and Madonna just said, 'Need I say more?'
    "She had the best line of the entire night (and the least likely to be used) in saying that this guy—whose overbearing mother was interfering with his marriage—was pussy-whipped 'by the wrong pussy.' She took the Oedipal allusions a bit too far, later declaring that an argument-inducing pet iguana was just a big phallic symbol. She also got big laughs when she said 'he's not missing any meals' in response to a hefty husband who said his wife's pet was fed better than he is. (Gervais had started the insulting ball rolling by declaring the guy to be a 'fat Jerry Seinfeld' look-alike.
    "Probably also not about to be used—Madonna talked about how the British don't like to talk about sex. But when it was pointed out to her that Gervais had just agreed with her in saying that the iguana looked like a big cock, she said it's like how the British will use the word '***CENSORED***' without meaning it that way. (Someone should have said, 'Is that what Guy told you?' but nobody really tangled with Madonna.)
    "The only times Madonna seemed off were when she had no idea who Dick Morris is (David referred to him with a toe-sucking reference that went over like a lead balloon anyway) and when she had to ask the famously divorced David if he'd ever been married. It must have been all these comedians could do to never reference Sean Penn, Guy Ritchie or Jesus Luz.
    "But for those minor dips, she had lots of peaks, such as when someone was saying all the marital problems were moronic. Madonna said, 'Ninety-five percent of the people who have marital problems have moronic problems.' That's the point of the show—none of the issues are presented in a way that can be anything but funny. Yet the real humor comes from watching (divorced!) celebrities try to offer advice and sketch out parameters in an effort to decide who's right.
    "When it ended, all the principals gathered mid-stage for a couple of quick photos. 'Let's Stay Together' was playing and Madonna sidled up to David and was in such a good mood she did some dancing in place, which drew cheers.
    "After the panel departed, Papa had to redo a couple of things, then Seinfeld came out to thank us briefly on camera. Then we were cut loose.
    "The show was a hell of a lot of fun to watch live. No way to know how it will play, edited, on the small screen, but if it fails, it will not be for a lack of thoroughly game star power. Madonna was just fantastic on this."
  19. rachwuvsmadonna
    Madonna Plays the Muse
    By PAULA SCHWARTZ LOS ANGELES— “Collaboration. I like being his muse,” Madonna told us, explaining her relationship with photographer Tom Munro at a private party and opening last night, to celebrate the photographer’s first book, a collection of celebrity portraits. (Partial proceeds of of the book will go to Madonna’s charity, Raising Malawi, and M.E.A.K.) Madonna, wearing black fishnet stockings, leather skirt and dark sunglasses at 10 p.m. in a dark room, blew off the Weinstein Company party at Soho House and the Summit Entertainment reception for “The Hurt Locker” at the Mondrian, for the gallery opening, where she spent most of the time on the lap of Steven Klein, another celebrity fashion photographer.
    The party was underwritten by Moët & Chandon – the official champagne of the Oscars, a publicist helpfully reminded us – and guests were sipping from miniature bottles of the stuff.
    Justin Timberlake was skulking near the bar, wearing geeky glasses and a ski cap. A female bodyguard was standing next to him. “Tom’s a very good friend of mine and I’m excited for him and it’s a great cause so I came,” Mr. Timberlake said. What was he doing Oscar night we asked? “I thought this was a sound bite for Tom,” Mr. Timberlake said, which was the cue for his bodyguard to shoo us away.
    Earlier in the evening, Mr. Munro escorted Dustin Hoffman around the gallery for a private tour of his very large photographs of Beyonce, Adrien Brody, Jude Law, Julianne Moore, Christina Ricci and a leering Quintin Tarantino.
    “He shot me one day,” Mr. Hoffman said, explaining how he met Mr. Munro, who said the session resulted in photographs for Italian Vogue.
    So it was a fashion shoot? “I think anything I’m involved in they can’t call it fashion,” Mr. Hoffman said.
    Did Mr. Hoffman have any Oscar predictions we asked? “Yes, I am not going to win anything,” said the two-time Oscar winner.
    He said he hadn’t seen all of the nominated films but “the ones I did see fortunately were foreign films and I would love to see the day come when we don’t differentiate.”
    “You can’t say best if you haven’t see the others,” Mr. Hoffman replied when we pressed him for his Oscar picks. “I saw ‘Hurt Locker. ‘ It’s first rate as is ‘A Prophet’ and the Argentinian film.” (That would be “The Secret in Their Eyes.”)
    As for Oscar parties, “I try to avoid them all,” Mr. Hoffman said. He added that he would not be at the Oscars on Sunday. “We’re staying home,” he said, introducing his wife Lisa. “I get dressed up in a tuxedo and I have earphones plugged into the TV and then I turn the sound off and have a few friends over and I hold a card and I announce all the winners. ”
    Mr. Hoffman said Mr. Munro’s name might be announced one day at the Oscars. “I don’t know if he realizes that he’s a director. He should be directing films, he really should.”
    Mr. Munro, who has directed a couple of videos with Madonna, said his dream was to move into the direction of feature films and he credited Madonna as “an inspiration. ”
    Mr. Munro then looked around the packed room from behind the V.I.P. roped-off area. “We were terrified that it is too ambitious having a show the night before the Oscars,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if anyone was going to turn up. They might have been getting their beauty sleep for tomorrow night. “
  20. rachwuvsmadonna
    Now a days whenever I see M with Jesus it still makes me sad she's no longer with Guy, and it still brings me to that thought like "Wtf actually happened? I wanna know damn it!" But i'm sure whatever it was, it was between them, and none of our business
    It is nice to go back and look at pictures of them together, i've started a huuuuuge collection of m pics i've found just to have fun and have a look back hehe!
    Truth be told i'am so happy for Madonna that she's found love again seems to really adore Jesus! they're cute together and he seems like a great guy he seems laid back and very sweet
    I wish M all the best and lots of love
    & yes I do still think Guy Ritchie rocks and is still a stud!! The man has got a great eye when it comes to making movies! and great casting!!! No matter what people say about him now calling him an idiot, I admit I did call him that after I heard he and M were splitting up, but I think I was overeacting lol! So... sorry, I take it back lol I was in shock ok Mr Ritchie?! lol
  21. rachwuvsmadonna
    I didn't know wtf the Marriage Ref was! I thought it was some cheesy sitcom that probly wouldnt last a week! But seeing that there are gonna be celebs coming on it's sooooo exciting! especially with Madonna coming on! Great choices with some of the celebs that have been on since it aired on Sunday! I love Kelly Ripa she cracks me up! Kinda reminds me of that great show that used to be on Mtv back in the day when the 90's rocked, Loveline, I loved that show! it kinda reminds me of that! I'm soooo excited for next Thursday to see M do her thing! The preview looks really good! I love how M it looked she was putting Ricky and David in their places "You're not on the panel" oooooh man this is gonna be awesome! Can't wait!!!! ;D
  22. rachwuvsmadonna
    People evvvvverywhere, twitter, facebook, probly Myspace too were sprouting about saying M was gonna be touring again  and I read that like What??!?!!?!? are you ***CENSORED*** kidding me!!!!!! At first I took it as a good sign like okkkkkk now hopefully by that time i'll have plenty of money saved up and I can ***CENSORED*** go! but Mr Oseary denied it and said "there is no truth to any current plans for an upcoming tour"... phew! kinda a bummer but thanks dude for the heads up! Damn it Madonna do not do that shit to me you how excited you make me!
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