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What? Icon let me post in the forum? Nooo way! How'd that even happen? lol



I came across a thread a friend had on their profile, so I clicked on it and everything was there! Off topic section, games, I'm still a free member since I didn't wanna have to pay for it after alllllll that being able to sign up for free!
I've heard people say Icon is a ghost town, mannnnn you ain't kidding! lol I wonder if the board I was able to post on was one of the old boards before it got switched over? I had to laugh cuz I noticed the board was ghostly white and you couldn't even seeing the posts people had unless you highlighted it! hahahahaaha Oh and the other werid thing was the people that did post on the threads, most of them said 5 months ago lol pathetic! God! I wish the people that do post on Icon, they should run the board they'd kick ass at it! ;)
Funny, There's even an old board on here as well but it said (read only) I thought that's how I was able to post anything but when I clicked on that it said error I didn't have permissionYell<<<< See Icon that's what you do to all of us! Annoying.....helll ***CENSORED*** yes! That's why I per fer Icon Social it's nice and just another fun way to still keep in touch with everyone! KissLaughing

The end



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