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Guy Ritchie



Now a days whenever I see M with Jesus it still makes me sad she's no longer with Guy, and it still brings me to that thought like "Wtf actually happened? I wanna know damn it!" But i'm sure whatever it was, it was between them, and none of our business ;)

It is nice to go back and look at pictures of them together, i've started a huuuuuge collection of m pics i've found just to have fun and have a look back hehe!
Truth be told i'am so happy for Madonna that she's found love again seems to really adore Jesus! they're cute together and he seems like a great guy he seems laid back and very sweet :)

I wish M all the best and lots of love :)
& yes I do still think Guy Ritchie rocks and is still a stud!! The man has got a great eye when it comes to making movies! and great casting!!! No matter what people say about him now calling him an idiot, I admit I did call him that after I heard he and M were splitting up, but I think I was overeacting lol! So... sorry, I take it back lol I was in shock ok Mr Ritchie?! lol


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