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Rach's Madonna fics :D



Yes I love to write! It's so liverating and joyful! You can free your mind!
So in my spare time I like to write Madonna fics! Funny, after I've written once I swear I thought it was real for a second but hey I can dream right? Lol.
With these stories they're very sweet, light hearted, no violence! Cuz I don't like to think about Madonna get smacked around or smacked into a wall or beaten to death! Madonna is strong, and loving! <3 So I like to write in a love letter kinda feel lol My favorite lately are ones about her and Guy obviously cuz they were soooo perfect together! & of course M and Carlos, soooo adorable! I even did a cool one about M and Jesus! Just out of a curiosity what there wedding woulda been like and oh I don't know....she got pregenant.....man now that would be one frickin miracle hehehehehe! ;)
Anyway, if you wanna read them, awesome! Or if you don't wanna comment, that's fine! I hope you like my stories hehehe! :)



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