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I loved Madonna on The Marriage Ref!



She is so adorable! I love this woman! :DKiss Her laugh is one of my favorite things about her! I wish I had all of her energy and wit! Her personality was the very first thing I totally fell in love with! I love her! <3I thought she made a great judge! She gave out good advice, course did she realllllly have to bring up about the pre nup bullshit? um hellllo M! I already knew that cuz ppl wouldn't shut up about you and Guy divorcing! lol
I loved the arguing with her and Larry! Larry: What's wrong with you? M: Do not yell at me! Larry: Your a manhater M: I hate you!
Even with M being on it made the episode alot of fun to watch the people that were on their were funny, odd kinda but funny! lol! I loved M's facial expressions! Larry & Ricky were so funny! M stood her ground!
The host was kinda annoying I thought at one point M was gonna get up and smack him lol in a playful way that is! lol
I thought she did great! I  wish she'd come back next week and do it again! :D
This show is really hilarious!



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