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Rebby's Blog

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you inspire me

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The consequences of the unjust in my life...and a poetry

Hello Madonna   I don't know how to start after such a long time. Things didn't work out as planned.   The unjust in my life. I couldn't handle it anymore.   I got some proffesional help for a while. But picking up my old life isn't that easy.   There all still the people I've hurt in august. Some of them are my friends again (thank god). But there are still a few who are silence to me.   I've also lost the spiritual connection, because of the medication I have to take right now



I've Completed the 3rd Staged...and I'm More Relaxed right now...

Madonna,   A lot has changed... These few days... As you may have quest...   I've completed the 3rd staged... So I'm a bit more relaxed now... Contact can be allowed again...   First real visit... Back to work again... But I'm terrified...   So much has happend... I've hurt people... Because they have hurt me too...   I have an import talk this week... With one of my colleagues... She is the most important one... Our conversation decites (sorry) my futher at my work...   I



Madonna's and My Way... to Learn the Lessons...

Madonna,   How do you give your lessons to others?   This song, was just a wake-up call, 'shines in you' the only real messenge to others.   This was your song, your tail.   'Not ready for the fog' Nor am I right now.   'To blind to see te writing on the wall' Damn, I have been blind for so long, I was so stubborn.   'Seen the beauty' As do I, I'm still enjoy life, dispite my many troubles   'Learned my lessons wel' As do I, finally, it took me a long way to get there   'Ho



Madonna's Basic Lesson...

Madonna,   Below are 2 poetries... Witch I wrote during my 14 years of struggle...   These 2 are in English instead of Dutch... And have a bit of quality... And are not...too personal...     The call   Is the time there now To make this tough decision. Knowing that there are Two different ends at this mission   Can I take those feelings That will come over me? And will there also be times That I can let it go and feel free?   Should I make the call And put the thing in mov



The 1e..2e..3e..4e Lesson - Her Confession Tour Reveals Some...

Madonna,   I have also received...some other importend Lessons and Insides...witch I have to know at this moment...to have faith in myself and my destiny...   What other Lesson...will God give me... When I'm stronger again...and have true faith in myself...   The first...and most importend Lessons from him...   The true meaning off love...   I don't have to be afraid anymore... My choises have been correct...   The second Lessons... The gray aera...off the human problems in the we



You inspire me..Learning your Lessons...

Hello Madonna,   I think I can understand you now and your connection with Britney Spears.. You two are real power woman...and you can also show your vulnerability during the confession tour at your impressive song and performance when you sing 'live to tell'... I think I became a power woman as well...and I hope that one day I have almost the same strengh like yours, but still connected to my emotions. .   I don't know your background well enough...so I just reply on a small image I have



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