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The 1e..2e..3e..4e Lesson - Her Confession Tour Reveals Some...





I have also received...some other importend Lessons and Insides...witch I have to know at this moment...to have faith in myself and my destiny...


What other Lesson...will God give me...

When I'm stronger again...and have true faith in myself...


The first...and most importend Lessons from him...


The true meaning off love...


I don't have to be afraid anymore...

My choises have been correct...


The second Lessons...

The gray aera...off the human problems in the western society.


The third Lessons...

The potentials that lies within me...


The fourth Lessons...

The reasons...for the different society...


Damn...It looks like a logic pattern (also to tired...to look up...the right word)


Do you see now...

Why I need some guidence...


I have to write it down...

So that I can really understand Gods Lessons...


But my self-esteem is so low at the moment...

That I won't write it down for myself...


I need other people at the moment...

So I can Tell and Learn Gods Lessons...at the same time...


The Western society...has destroyed me deep within...

But I Will Come Back...Stronger and Wiser...Than Anybody Could Imagine...


Only...This path...is so lonely...

I wouldn't wish an other human being...to go through this...


Ignorens...is a blessing...

Not for all...but they don't have to worry so much...


How far are your collega on this path...


Britney Spears...

Christina Aguilera...


These 2 have potentional..


Because of my troubles... I've missed a lot the last couple of years...


Britney Spears...with her song 'Toxic'...Her strenght...Her dislike of the way...people could treat others..

At least...this is my interpretation...


Britney's songs 'Stronger'...'Overprotected'...'My Perogative'... did she wrote those songs herself...

These songs...are also telling my story...


Christina Aguilera...I'm not so familiar with her...

But her song 'Fighter'...gave me courage...as did 'Can't hold us down'


Lady Gaga...has also potentional...

But the way she expresse herself...is a little to much for me


And there are others...who I think...have the potentials...to see the world...as it really is...


Lovely Greetings from The Netherlands,



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