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Blog Entries posted by asimina

  1. asimina
    Madonna queen of the collectibles
    by ZaCK, www.absolumentmadonna.frInvesting in Madonna memorabilia today could see big returns as she proves popular at auction. www.absolumentmadonna.fr
    According to the PFC40 autograph index, which details the 2000 - 2010 price performance of 40 of the most sought after celebrity autographs, Madonna autographs have seen an increase in value of 138.7% in the last decade, with a signed photo valued at £375 in 2000, now commanding a price of £895.
    Platinum record displays are one such example, a framed display of Madonna’s 1986 album True Blue, recently fetched £260 ($384), while a signed platinum disc of the 2003 album American Life sold for £570 (£864) in 2005.
    Similarly, cheques have proven a relatively low cost opportunity to obtain Madonna’s autograph, with two 1988 cheques signed Madonna Ciccone, auctioned for £640 ($960) and £750 ($1054.80) off estimated prices of $200-400.
    Clothes from the star herself have also been purchased relatively cheaply with a leather jacket from rehearsals of the 1990 Blond Ambition tour selling for £500 ($777) at a 2005 Bonhams auction, while even a pair of Dolce and Gabbana stretch pants worn by Madonna, sold for £700 ($1,058). The stage worn Dolce and Gabbana bra from Madonna’s “Live down Under” tour of Australia in 1994 sold for £8,100 ($12,500) over three times the auction estimate of £2,750 ($4,000).
    In 2005, Bonhams auctioned, a gold, sleeveless, full length gown worn by Madonna in the film version of the famous musical Evita for £3,000 ($4,113).
    Similarly, dresses made famous in music videos and tours offer collectors a unique opportunity to invest. A white wedding dress, worn by Madonna during her 1984 Like A Virgin tour was sold via the New York based Gotta Have It auction house for £3,750 ($5,662), against an estimate of £2,000 ($3,000).
    A 1979 cassette of Madonna performing an acoustic demo recorded before Madonna signed to any major record labels exceeded all expectations at a recent auction. The rare recording sold for $6,400, over three times the estimate of £1,300 ($2,000).
    A 4″ x 7″ black leather bound appointment book, covering the similar period from April 30th 1988 through to January 22nd 1989, came up for sale in August, 2008. The document offered a window into the star’s routine, at a time when she was in the public eye, thanks to her marriage to Hollywood bad boy Sean Penn. With a low end estimate of £5,500 ($8,000) the personal document sold for $11,616 ($17,500).
    In February last year Christie’s put two photographs of Madonna up for sale. One photo created for a 1980s Playboy shoot, exceeded estimates, reaching $18,750 (£12,888) at auction.
    A nude picture had been expected to fetch £10,365 ($15,000) at the Christie’s auction in New York, yet sold for £26,000 ($37,500). Recent years have seen more pictures emerge on the market, meaning we may not have seen the last of these particular Madonna collectibles at auction.
    In 2008, Gotta Have it auctions sold a “World’s Best Selling Pop Rock Artist of the Year” award belonging to Madonna from 2001. The statue was donated by Warner Music International as part of a charity auction and sold for £12,000 ($18,000), improving on the estimate of £11,000 ($17,000).
    From paulfrasercollectibles.com
  2. asimina
    October 2nd, 2010
    Leading American feminist author Camille Paglia, 63, has accused Lady Gaga of being an ‘asexual copycat’ who carefully scripts her every move, insisting her over-the-top sexuality is actually ‘stripped of genuine eroticism’…
    Writing in the Sunday Times Magazine, she accused Gaga of not being one of the few original artists of today’s young music scene, claiming she has copied a host of iconic stars, most notably Madonna.
    “How would a figure so calculated and artificial, so clinical and strangely antiseptic, so stripped of genuine eroticism have become the icon of her generation?”
    Gaga has borrowed so heavily from Madonna (as in her latest video-Alejandro) that it must be asked, at what point does homage become theft? However, the main point is that the young Madonna was on fire. She was indeed the imperious Marlene Dietrich’s true heir. For Gaga, sex is mainly decor and surface; she’s like a laminated piece of ersatz rococo furniture. Alarmingly, Generation Gaga can’t tell the difference. Is it the death of sex? Perhaps the symbolic status that sex had for a century has gone kaput; that blazing trajectory is over…
    Gaga seems comet-like, a stimulating burst of novelty, even though she is a ruthless recycler of other people’s work. She is the diva of déjà vu. Gaga has glibly appropriated from performers like Cher, Jane Fonda as Barbarella, Gwen Stefani and Pink, as well as from fashion muses like Isabella Blow and Daphne Guinness. Drag queens, whom Gaga professes to admire, are usually far sexier in many of her over-the-top outfits than she is.
    Peeping dourly through all that tat is Gaga’s limited range of facial expressions. Her videos repeatedly thrust that blank, lugubrious face at the camera and us; it’s creepy and coercive. Marlene and Madonna gave the impression, true or false, of being pansexual. Gaga, for all her writhing and posturing, is asexual. Going off to the gym in broad daylight, as Gaga recently did, dressed in a black bustier, fishnet stockings and stiletto heels isn’t sexy – it’s sexually dysfunctional.
    Compare Gaga’s insipid songs, with their nursery-rhyme nonsense syllables, to the title and hypnotic refrain of the first Madonna song and video to bring her attention on MTV, Burning Up, with its elemental fire imagery and its then-shocking offer of fellatio. In place of Madonna’s valiant life force, what we find in Gaga is a disturbing trend towards mutilation and death…
    Gaga is in way over her head with her avant-garde pretensions… She wants to have it both ways – to be hip and avant-garde and yet popular and universal, a practitioner of gung-ho “show biz”. Most of her worshippers seem to have had little or no contact with such powerful performers as Tina Turner or Janis Joplin, with their huge personalities and deep wells of passion.
    Generation Gaga doesn’t identify with powerful vocal styles because their own voices have atrophied: they communicate mutely via a constant stream of atomised, telegraphic text messages. Gaga’s flat affect doesn’t bother them because they’re not attuned to facial expressions.
    Gaga’s fans are marooned in a global technocracy of fancy gadgets but emotional poverty. Borderlines have been blurred between public and private: reality TV shows multiply, cell phone conversations blare everywhere; secrets are heedlessly blabbed on Facebook and Twitter. Hence, Gaga gratuitously natters on about her vagina…

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2010/10/02/camille-paglia-marlene-madonna-not-gaga/#ixzz11OnSl9eK
  3. asimina
    The Prince and Madonna BS Story
    The press is all about Prince and Madonna to have ended their supposedly decades-long feud. We can read everywhere that Madonna was among the celebrities cheering on Prince’s sold-out show at NYC’s Madison Square Garden.
    We don’t believe a single word of it!
    First of all, we believe that Madonna and Prince never feuded. In 2007, they huged at the Academy Awards after-party (see the pic) and Madonna mentioned Prince as one of her ultimate inspiration during the BET Interview to promote her Hard Candy album, in 2008.
    Second, the press published pictures of Gossip Girl’s Leighton Meester and TV host Jimmy Fallon at the show, but not one paparazzi picture of Madonna entering or exiting the show.

    Tracy Anderson does it again
    Madonna’s former trainer has slammed the Queen Of Pop for bulking up…

    “I reversed the years Madonna spent getting bulky and made her more feminine, but I think she’s going back the other way now.
    You just have to look at any of the other women I work with and you can see that’s not what my method produces.
    Will we ever be friends again? That’s a tough question. I don’t have rivals in life, it’s not who I am. I try to be a good person and I give a lot.
    Some people appreciate that and use it for the right reasons, and some people take from it.
    I’ve worked for over a decade to come up with something that’s my own work and my own invention and my own blood, sweat and tears.
    I think that’s where the biggest sore spot is. I like to invent things and she likes to reinvent them!”
    Someone should tell Anderson that she only hurts herself by saying those things. We doubt many celebrities will agree to work with someone who can turn on them in the press, the second they part ways…
    Madonna on BBC Most Annoying Person List
    Madonna is the 22nd Most Annoying Person of 2010 according to the BBC.
    She’s blamed for using her daughter Lourdes as a prop.
    American Idol searching for next Madonna
    Randy Jackson says that this season American Idol needs to find the next Madonna or Michael Jackson – artists who have a transformative effect on artistry and culture.

    “I hope that ‘Idol’ finds a killer vocalist that helps to change music completely. Michael Jackson and Prince just slaughtered the business. Elvis slaughtered the business. I can’t remember a time when someone was that important in the history of the game of music. Madonna, Coldplay, U2, Jay-Z, Biggie and Tupac. No one has come in and changed the game, meaning that as soon as they showed up … everyone was dressing, acting and wanted to be them, full stop,” he said. “I hope that we find that quintessential star.”
    Taylor Momsen and Kelly Osbourne
    Last week, Madonnarama exclusively confirmed that Kelly Osbourne was the new face of Madonna’s clothing line, Material Girl.
    Now that it has been made official, Kelly Osbourne and Taylor Momsen share their thoughts on Twitter…

    Taylor Momsen:
    Congrats to @MissKellyO for being the next Material Girl, it doesn’t get bigger than Madonna! U look beautiful!
    Kelly Osbourne:
    @taylormomsen thank you i know I have some pretty big shoes to fill I will try my best!

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/26/the-prince-and-madonna-bs-story-tracy-anderson-does-it-again-american-idol-searching-for-next-madonna-madonna-on-bbc-most-annoying-person-list-french-and-saunders/#ixzz1CAz6F3Ef
  4. asimina
    Fans have started bombarding William Orbit on his Facebook and Twitter account regarding the Music album outtake, Run.
    Here’s what he posted on his twitter account:
    On January 9, 2011

    what’s all this business about ‘Run’?
    hmmm, if enough people brought it up i might go look in my archive. But wd never leak. This is M’s call
    On January 10, 2011

    this ‘Run’ thing. Am not gonna leak it. But hey, if i suddenly find i got 10,000 nu followers, then who knows…

    Guys, guys. I really wouldn’t leak a Madonna track. No way. This is totally her call.

    no leaky deaky. stay frosty. I did check out the track tho and imho it would need work. Might as well do nu ones

    Hey, I’ll give y’all one info snippet: I’ve seen her new movie a few times, in progress, and it’s really really good

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/11/william-orbit-tweets-about-run-and-w-e/#ixzz1AlFj7j6H
  5. asimina
    Yesterday, January 6th 2011, Madonna was seen leaving the Aura nightclub in Mayfair, London, together with alleged boyfriend Brahim Zaibat.
    Have a look…

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/07/madonna-leaving-the-aura-nightclub-london-6-january-2011/#ixzz1ANlxDljI
  6. asimina
    January 26th, 2011

    Madonna’s brother, Christopher Ciccone, has decided that he still wants to reunite with his sister… or maybe he’s only using Madonna’s fame to get media attention again!

    “The only contact I have had with my Madonna is via e-mail when I try to keep her updated about our family, but often she does not respond, and if she does it is through somebody else. It could take my grandmother’s passing for us to meet again, but one way or another I know it will happen. I’m praying that my grandmother makes it to 100, but I know she is frail now… she is a remarkable person who raised my brothers and sisters and is very important to our family. Look, I no longer get invited to all the same parties, and there are certain agents in Hollywood that won’t touch me, but I have no regrets and don’t really care about that stuff anyway. After I wrote Life With My Sister Madonna, the famous late Hollywood agent Ed Limato told me ‘I understand you now’ while I also think it has given my family a better understanding of me too. I’m not totally black-listed, and there are still plenty of people who will work with me still though. I’ve just formed The Ciccone Factory and I’m mentoring a number of exciting new artists including Erika Anderson and Ashe Wednesday. I’m energized again and just like ‘a gay Simon Cowell’ I intend to mentor these performers and use what I learned working with my sister to help get their careers established. I also have an erotic photography book coming-out in the summer called ***CENSORED*** Polaroids which I’m looking forward to promoting. Life has come full circle for me now and I certainly don’t have any regrets about writing my book – it help me with my own identity and to truly understand the relationship I had with my sister Madonna too.”
    A few days ago he also had some mean spirited things to say about Madonna, her younger boyfriends and Lady Gaga…

    “I guess if she continues to date all these much younger guys, it could start to look creepy, but I think that a lot of Madonna’s emotional needs are met by taking care of her children; these boyfriends must really be like a kind of distraction for her. She certainly isn’t following societal values, but then again my sister never has and probably never will either.
    Lola has turned-out really well, and I’m sure her mother is very proud of her. Hopefully in time I can have the same relationship with Madonna’s children as I do with my other sister Melanie’s kids.
    I can see a lot of my sister’s influence in what Lady Gaga is doing today. It’s like ‘Madonna on speed’ actually.
    I think Lady Gaga is a great writer, singer and performance artist, but sometimes she goes too far with her costumes and persona and it must be hard for her fans to identify with that.
    Madonna was a genius at changing her image into something that her fans could identify with and replicate if they wanted, and that’s something I’m trying to teach my own acts as I try to mentor their music careers.”

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/26/christopher-ciccone-talks-trash-while-doing-his-own-promotion/#ixzz1CAyiCnMH
  7. asimina
    The fashion for wearing underwear as outwear is featured in this article from French magazine BE (23 December issue). The article features both Madonna and Rhianna showing how to wear it. Click on the images to enlarge.
  8. asimina
    Best Singles of the ’90s
    Five Madonna singles are charted in Slant Magazine’s Best Singles Of The 90s.

    #42. Madonna, “Secret.”
    Despite the common misconception that she often sings about sex, Madonna’s songs aren’t always sexy. “Secret” is perhaps the finest exception to that rule. As it slinks along a simple R&B backbeat and an unfussy acoustic guitar figure, “Secret” is also one of the most organic-sounding singles of Madonna’s career, taking its sweet time to get where it’s going and not giving up too much along the way. The arrangement gets off on being withholding, and, at least for one glorious single, so does Madonna: When she sings, “You knew all along/What I never wanted to say,” she sounds positively rapturous. JK

    #36. Madonna, “Deeper and Deeper.”
    Among Madonna’s finest achievements, the angsty pop anthem “Deeper and Deeper” is both an acute distillation of Erotica’s smut-glam decadence and the singer’s lifelong blond ambition. The song, like its video, practically plays out as an autobiography of the singer’s life: Atop sambalicious disco, Madonna delivers a burning, poignant fairy tale of yearning and escape in which she plays both Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Armond White once praised Madonna for how she took “outsider art inside herself”—which is to say, justified it by personalizing it. The uncontrolled, fierce tension of the song derives from the feeling that Madonna is taking a plunge into some hedonistic abyss of her own liberated, uninhibited making. EG

    #34. Madonna, “Erotica.”
    Madonna accepts the burden of her throaty, spent-from-touring voice, which makes Erotica’s taunting, aggressive lyrics—an elaborate exploration of sex, from seduction to disease—feel unmistakably honest. The title track, whose opening put-a-record-on scratchiness mirrors that of Madonna’s most divisive instrument, is the singer’s invitation to the dance, a slithering, sinister snake rising from a gaudily ornate chalice. The beats are, by design, hypnotic—at once alluring and devious. With “Erotica,” Madonna promises to get you off, but not without giving you something. EG

    #16. Madonna, “Ray of Light.”
    Once the Material Girl made it her mission to bring electronica to the masses, she could have named her collaborator. Her decision to work with William Orbit shows that, for all the flack she’s faced for “appropriation,” her interest in underground dance music is deep and not wholly commercial. Madonna discovered techno just as she turned 40 and took up Kabbalah, and listening to “Ray of Light,” it’s easy to imagine Madonna finding in rave culture not just a new image, but a way of expressing her spiritual awakening. The beat is restless and Madonna sings breathlessly, but she exudes contentment: “I feel like I just got home!” Her emotional warmth is what establishes the song as a standout single even in a catalogue as replete with classics as Madonna’s. MC

    #10. Madonna, “Vogue.”
    Much has been written (specifically on this site) about the cultural impact of the appropriation of queer and nonwhite motifs in Madonna’s “Vogue,” so I’ll focus instead on the song’s musical archaeology and influence. Lest I completely ignore its substance, Madonna’s message is clear (“Beauty is where you find it”), but the track’s origins are part and parcel with its star’s mining of gay club trends and Old Hollywood: Inspired by the Salsoul Orchestra’s “Ooh, I Love It (Love Break)” by way of Danny Krivit’s remix of MFSB’s “Love Is the Message,” the song has a family tree that even includes producer/DJ Shep Pettibone’s remix of Janet Jackson’s “Miss You Much” and serves as a sort of musical map of disco. Pettibone recorded “Vogue” with Madonna as a B-side for her single “Keep It Together,” making its impact all the more impressive (it would go on to inspire a glut of pop-house copycats) and begging the question: If disco died a decade earlier, what the ***CENSORED*** was this big, gay, fuscia drag-queen boa of a dance song sitting on top of the charts for a month for? SC
    Get the full list here…
    Katy Perry discusses Madonna and spirituality
    According to the Telegraph, Katy Perry said…

    “For me, spirituality is something very important and I don’t like it when people take it lightly.
    At times, I don’t understand why there are artists who play that card, like when Madonna gets up on a cross to sing.”
    Milan’s hotel to the stars
    Milan’s most exclusive address is a palace fit for a celebrity, as Madonna, George Clooney and David Beckam can attest.
    Website news.com.au explains…

    When Madonna stayed at the Hotel Principe di Savoia in Milan she brought with her about 40 staff members. She was in Milan for five nights on a concert tour. The 40-strong entourage did not include her band and back-up singers. They stayed elswhere. Somewhere a little less expensive, I can only presume. Madonna’s personal staff did, however, include a maid. Madge obviously didn’t want the Principe hotel staff to get their hands on her dirty laundry.
    Piers Morgan again and again… and again!
    In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, Piers Morgan answers some questions about Madonna… once again!

    Entertainment Weekly: You banned Madonna from the show…
    Piers Morgan: It can only be rescinded if she makes a formal apology. For all the grief she’s caused me by being Madonna.
    Entertainment Weekly: She says she doesn’t know who you are. Let’s keep this going. Your turn.
    Piers Morgan: I was interested to see she doesn’t know who I am because Madonna and I have been feuding for 25 years… When I watched her in the days of “Holiday,” nothing was sexier than Madonna. Watching Madonna at 52 going out with 22-year-old kids called Jesus and stripping her clothes off for magazines, it’s like, Please, it’s over. We have a new one, it’s called Lady Gaga.
    He also gave an interview to The Daily Mail and mentioned the feud once again…

    “My decision to unilaterally ban Madonna from my new CNN show – on the grounds that she is far more boring and considerably less talented than her new, young doppelganger Lady Gaga – has continued to attract considerable attention in America. So I decided to put my theory to the test on national TV tonight. During an appearance on Chelsea Lately – Chelsea Handler is a wild, crazy, hilarious blonde who hosts a comedy talk show – I asked the studio audience how many of them would rather I interviewed Madonna over Gaga, and not a single person put their hand up or uttered a word. Just total dismissive delicious silence. Then I reversed the question and they all burst into loud cheering. Madonna obviously thought she was being very clever by reacting to my ban by saying she’d never heard of me. But when she sees the clip of that audience, she’s going to realise that there may be a rather unsettling truth to my assertion that she is yesterday’s news.”
    UK top role models
    A nationwide study of more than 1,200 boys from the UK, and their parents found 14% think Madonna is a role model.

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/17/the-best-singles-of-the-90s-katy-perry-on-madonna-piers-morgan-the-survey/#ixzz1BJQ85TJE
  9. asimina
    Tracy Anderson is in the process of rolling out her own international gym chains in association with Gwyneth Paltrow and the head of Madonna’s Raising Malawi charity, Philippe van den Bossche .
    At 35, she already has three North American studios. Next step is London.
    Anderson gave an interview to This is London and when she got down to the question of Madonna’s Hard Candy centers, here’s what she had to say…

    “Expanding all over really fast is to me a bit unethical.
    Gwyneth and I are really taking our time on doing it right so that each place has integrity.
    It’s like… I pride myself on inventing some new things.
    She is the queen of reinvention. I spent three years teaching her…
    I have shallow feelings for anyone who is not an expert in the field doing something on the back of their celebrity.”

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/17/tracy-anderson-on-madonnas-hard-candy-gyms/#ixzz1BJPMl7ng
  10. asimina
    uary 17th, 2011

    In Madonna‘s upcoming film, W.E. history is going to take a back seat to fantasy.
    According to 29 year old british actress Andrea Riseborough, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were not Nazi sympathizers–even though they visited the Third Reich, appeared in a newsreel with them, and are well documented historically to have made some horrendous social and political choices. As well, the Duchess of Windsor–Wallis Simpson–did not cheat on the Duke. And the Duke–formerly King Edward VIII–was brilliant.
    Riseborough, who plays Wallis in “W.E.,” told website showbiz411 that people got it all wrong…

    “Do you know how many people visited the Nazis?
    Everyone was enthralled with them.
    The Duke and Duchess were just two of lots of people, and shouldn’t be thought of badly.”
    Also, W.E.’s back story is going to be that Edward was the brilliant brother, and that Bertie – King George – wasn’t much.
    Riseborough also tells that in the film, her character – Wallis Simpson – will have some fantastical cross-generational meetings in person with a modern character called Wally, played by Abbie Cornish.
    The film, all done and now being edited, will probably be sent to the Cannes Film Festival for possible inclusion.

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/17/the-w-e-controversy/#ixzz1BJOZ6qfm
  11. asimina
    madonnalicious has been contacted by Meriel who is on a team producing a new BBC entertainment programme idea. They are looking for interesting and unusual talents for a non-broadcast pilot and are after some big UK-based Madonna fans: We're looking for the UK's biggest Madonna fans for new BBC television show. We need people who know every song, could sing every tune and who could even recite lyrics backwards....!
    If this is you please don't hesitate to contact me at meriel.paisley@bbc.co.uk
  12. asimina
    Madonna to become nightclub owner?… Liz says no!
    According to English newspaper, Telegraph, Madonna has held talks with the Malaysian tycoon Tony Fernandes about investing in his Aura Mayfair nightclubs.
    The rumour is already all over the net, while Liz Rosenberg denies it:
    “A rep for Madonna tells Gossip Cop that stories about the singer buying into the club business are totally untrue.”
    SPIN Magazine 25th Anniversary Readers Poll
    SPIN Magazine just celebrated its 25th anniversary by doing a readers poll.
    Madonna is up there right where she should be…

    #1 – Best Solo Artist: Madonna (32,3%)
    #1 – Hottest Sex Goddess: Madonna (25,4%)
    #2 – Best Song: “Like a Prayer”, Madonna (19,8%)
    #3 – Best Live Act: Madonna (11,8%)
    A few words for Madonna…
    Madonna and her love-life are featured on the Dear Debbie problem page in the National Enquirer. Hollywood actress Debbie Reynolds hands out advice each week, in her “Dear Debbi: Got a problem? I want to help” column, to a celebrity that is in the news…
    A few words for Madonna…

    Madonna, 52, has a new toyboy lover, 24-year old French backup dancer Brahim Zaibat, and her dad Tony Ciccone is not happy about it at all! In fact, he’s announced that “enough is enough” and has told her Brahim is not welcome in his house, according to sources.
    Madonna has had differences with her dad for many hears. The time for him to be critical of her male friends was when she was 12, not now. And if Madonna were a 52-year-old man with a 20-something girlfriend, it’s doubtful that anyone would be saying “enough is enough.” Madonna is known to be a loving mother and this fling is hardly the most outrageous thing she’s done in her life. I think her dad is overreacting and needs to back off. At this stage, Madonna’s new beau is not an embarrassment, he’s just her latest fun project.
    Jesus Luz ensures Madonna and he are still going strong
    DJ Jesus Luz gave an exclusive interview to Revista Caras. He explained…

    “Nothing has changed…
    I’ve always been able to tell apart the woman from the myth. It’s more like it since we’ve met. I was not dumbfounded, staring at her and stuck for words.
    Of course I have admired her, but not really changed my way of acting. I can see her as my girlfriend, without the label of star. She is a person like any other.
    At the beginning of the relationship, there was too much attention focused on me, people treating me differently…
    That freaks you out and wakes up a self- centered side in us. I have had moments when looking in the mirror and seeing myself as ‘the hot stuff’.
    Now I’ve built my new family in Manhattan and all of us get along quite well.”
    Thanks to Rodrigo
    Maestro and the Madonna
    German conductor Christian Thielemann has told the Berliner Morgenpost that he’d like to spend some time with Madonna…

    “I find this woman fascinating.
    Not just musically…. I’d like to get to know Madonna a whole lot better.”
    Tracy Anderson Release Workout DVD
    Tracy Anderson who is a famous workout and fitness trainer, who is mostly famed as the fitness guru of Madonna, has just released her workout DVD titled “The Tracy Anderson Method Presents: Mat Workout DVD”. According to her website, the new DVD is loaded with her amazing fitness advice, focused on sculpting and definition of body, which is based on 11 years of research.
    Once Again Piers Morgan says he’s irritated by Madonna
    On Thursday, Piers Morgan revealed that the first guest that will sit down for an interview on his new CNN show, Piers Morgan Tonight, will be Oprah Winfrey.
    He also mentioned Madonna once again…

    “She’s kind of been an irritant in my life for 20 years, so I’ve banned her from the show.
    It’s probably quite childish. Make the apology on CNN. Other than that, it’s a lifetime ban.
    Lady Gaga’s half her age, twice as good looking, twice as talented and twice as hot, so why would I bother with Madonna.”
    Morgan is apparently still peeved at Madonna for all the legal mumbo jumbo “her people” took him through during his stint as editor of Britain’s notorious News of the World tabloid.
    New book on Anna Sui Mentions Madonna
    A book on American fashion designer Anna Sui which, she says, is an autobiography in pictures, mentions Madonna.

    Sui was there with Madonna when she wore a sheer black babydoll at the Gaultier show, linked by mutual friend and top photographer Steven Meisel.
    “She came out with a coat on, and I couldn’t wait to see what she was wearing. I thought it would be some outrageous outfit, and then she said, ‘Anna, I have a surprise for you.’”
    Madonna also wore Sui when she was photographed by Meisel in 1992 for Vogue.
    The Blond Ambition Shoes
    Kobi Levi designed a brand new shoe called ‘Blond Ambition’ getting his inspiration from Madonna’s (in)famous 1990′s World Tour…

    a Mini-Madonna in Toddlers & Tiaras
    The last episode of “Toddlers & Tiaras,” airing on US channel TLC, included a Madonna reference, when Mia, 2, transformed from an angel – to a mini-Madonna!
    Joel McHale made a delightful totally inapropriate comment during “The Soup” saying…
    “She was going to dance to “Like a Virgin” but no believed the “Virgin” part.
    I can’t believe I made that joke.”
    The 250 best albums of Q’s lifetime
    Q Magazine listed The 250 best albums of Q’s lifetime (1986-2011) and we must admit this chart is a total mess.
    Only 2 Madonna albums in it (at #175 and #214), while Lady Gaga’s first effort, The Fame is charted at #40, surpassing the likes of Madonna or George Michael’s whole career, but also most of Prince’s or Michael Jackson music and many many more…

    214: Like a Prayer
    Madonna at her most Earth-conquering and musically fearless.

    175: Ray of Light
    Still her best work to date, Ray of Light was also Madonna’s smartest career move; combining traditional pop hooks with up-to-the-second dance music. Thirty-nine years young, it made her a next-generation pop star.
    Key Track: Ray of Light
    In a storied career as am music journalist, I’ve played darts with Cher, carried Bono’s ghetto-blaster, and asked the tiny one out of Kasabian to “run along – can’t you see I’m trying to talk to Kasabian?” But does anyone want to hear this stuff? Do they ***CENSORED***? They want to know about the Christmas pudding I gave Madonna.
    It was Christmas 1997. I was interviewing Madonna for Q, as she unveiled Ray of Light, and I’d noted a Times interview where the writer was advised to take her a present. This had struck me as shockingly craven, ingratiating and… not a bad idea at all.
    Madonna, then 39, was deep in a touchy-fely phase shaped by 14 months of motherhood, emotional stocktaking and mix’n'match religion, but she was as she always is, a tough nut. So I can only assume it was my gift of a Harrods’ Christmas pud that spared me a karate chop when, our interview still in the sparring stage, I described Carlos Leon (daughter Lourdes’s bio-dad) as an alleged “spunk donor”. A week after Christmas, Madonna rang me at home to clarify one or two points. Match Of The Day was on, and my missus answered the phone. “It’s that Madonna for you,” she announced. As the fame-fuelled madness of her life was further reviewed, Madonna sighed: “I guess I won. But it’s not terribly much fun, being a rebel or a pioneer.” At the mention of the pudding, however, she brightened. “It was delicious,” she purred.
    And – I reflect as I dine out on it for the trillionth time – worth every penny.
    Vote for the Queen of Pop…
    German-Franco culture TV channel ARTE requests fans to vote for the ultimate Queen of Pop!
    Madonna can only be found in the 80′s.
    At the end of the vote the channel will show 10 documentaries of 10 winners – and then they will have a big show at the end where you can vote for the ulimate winner.
    Visit queensofpop.arte.tv to vote for Madonna (in the 1980′s).
    Thanks to Didier & Andreas
    Madonna’s Facebook Page
    Madonna’s Facebook page is being updated with most of her music videos. The videoclips are all 16:9, posted chronologically, and in HQ.
    Time to “like” your Madonna!
    Vote For The Next Material Girl
    Madonna.com recently posted the following statement…
    The “Material Girl” brand is looking for the hottest girl on the scene, “someone who makes her own fashion statement – trendy, but cool, young and hip”, the one who should be the face of their upcoming collection. Do you know who it should be?
    Go here to vote!

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/09/business-deals-boyfriends-newspapers-polls-designer-maestro-and-more/#ixzz1AfeBMIyw
  13. asimina
    Avril Lavigne has revealed that she hopes to emulate Madonna’s music career.
    The singer, who is gearing up for the release of her fourth studio album Goodbye Lullaby, told the Daily Record that she wants to follow a similar path to Madonna, who has released 11 albums in her 27-year career.

    “I definitely can see myself still being out there in 20 years’ time.
    I want to be around the way Madonna has done it. She’s had her life but still maintained her career throughout.
    Well, it’s like you go away and you come back. I put out a record, I’m around doing a million things and then I shut up and go away.
    I think it’s good to change but it’s better if it’s a natural progression rather than being forced.”

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/10/avril-lavigne-wants-to-do-it-like-madonna/#ixzz1AfdxIRVJ
  14. asimina
    anuary 9th, 2011

    A Madonna Autograph Letter Signed on AIDS Prevention is up for auction at profilesinhistory.com. The description says…

    One page, Quarto, no place or date. Madonna pens in black ink (in full):
    “Last year my best friend died of Aids. Watching him die was the most frightening experience of my life. Right now there is no cure for Aids but there is a way to stop it from spreading. Don’t let fear keep you from knowing the facts. Read this booklet – then give it to your best friend. It just might save his or her life…It just might save your own.
    Love, Madonna.
    In fine condition. Estimated Value: $600-800

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/09/a-madonna-autograph-letter-auctioned/#ixzz1Afd5k6xM
  15. asimina
    January 9th, 2011

    Vanilla Ice has revealed to the News of the World that he dated Madonna when he was 24-years-old and she was 33.
    The A-hole ex-rapper admitted that it was “exciting” to have a relationship with an older woman, but said he ended it when she published her Sex book…

    “Going out with Madonna was exciting.
    She was older than me and a great lover. She’s still the oldest person I’ve ever been with, so it was an experience.
    But I broke up with her after she printed that book because I was hurt to be an unwitting part of this slutty package. It was disgusting and cheap. We were in a relationship yet it looked like she was screwing all these other people.
    I thought she was taking pictures and running round naked because she was like that. Then when the book came out I was so embarrassed and ashamed. It was a porno. She threw me in like I was a product off a shelf and I didn’t appreciate it. That was it and I ended it. She said she didn’t have sex with these men but it looked like she was.”

    Read more: http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2011/01/09/vanilla-ice-dating-madonna-was-exciting/#ixzz1AfcdpqXi
  16. asimina
    Madonna has been embroiled in a police investigation after a suspected thief plunged 100 feet (30 metres) from an apartment block and landed by the back door of the star's London home on Friday afternoon.
    The Holiday hitmaker's $15 million (£10 million) Marylebone property was surrounded by cops after a man being chased by officials attempted to climb out of a window in the block next to Madonna's property.
    He fell into a communal parking area just a few feet from the star's door and was admitted to a central London hospital, where he is said to be in a critical condition.
    Metropolitan Police officers have referred the case to officials at the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), who will allegedly review footage from Madonna’s CCTV cameras, which are thought to have captured the horror on film, according to Britain's Mail on Sunday.
    Madonna's head of security tells the publication, 'We have given the police everything they need. I can't say if it was CCTV film. I also can't say if Madonna was here at the time of the accident.'
    The singer was in the U.K. capital on Thursday and was seen partying at Aura nightclub with her new boyfriend Brahim Zaibat, before leaving the venue in the early hours of Friday morning.
    From contactmusic.com
  17. asimina
    Madonna and her love-life is featured on the Dear Debbie problem page in the National Enquirer. Hollywood actress Debbie Reynolds hands out advice each week to a celebrity that is in the news....this week was Madonna's turn.
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