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Hips knows - Ambrecel



Hips cannot be ignored,

And she is a friend.

She is telling me I cannot get away from the lover,

When we become one.

She is amused,

By a girl on girl dream,

Which means my love,

Was visualizing,

That while ***CENSORED*** his friend,

To get his sexual job done.

Hips has said,

And yes is this a night mare or dream,

Hips has said,

Sex doesn’t keep a relationship,

And men visualize.

My dream last night,

Was me kissing another woman.

This is crazy here in the cage.

Happy to have Hips,

She is a great business woman,

And I hope friend someday in the future.

Hips finds it funny,

That telepathy causes new friends,

And she understand being one.

Because she has her one.

Hips has the man,

She has the soul,

That the two headed monster,

Gave her years ago.

So she is trying to be nice,

To tell me,

Not to escape,

She is so forgiving,

And says I need to be too.


I have my one,

My soul,

Because I was forgiven,

By taking a piece of Jesus,

Into me,

And was forgiven,

Now I know,

Who he is,

Because the two headed monster,

Told me,

Who my Adam is.

And the telepathy,

Comes from the holy ghost,

And Hips,

She is a friend eventually in real life,

Of both the friend and I.

So she is trying so hard to help,

And I am grateful.


I did speak against the bible and then ended up saved, I am former Catholic, and there is magic in these poems. I know Madonna uses Kabbalah, and I might learn that too. Love is the key, and Madonna is the key, Nicki Minaj is hip, and yes Jesus is in here with the magic of being saved. You can say this is fiction, some lies are the truth. I love you Madonna.


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