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Eminem Is Puke, and I know he cares, Proof is in this too



Puke is a lock pick,

Just like my lover with other women.


Puke picks the lock to check on a fellow trailer trash.


He doesn’t do this often.

He had a hard time years ago.

Because his own best friend,

Lost his life.

He wrote Beautiful.

As if that was the end.

Then this internet woman,

This ***CENSORED*** wrote about him.

This I am certain,

Puke is in my life for life.

And in this cage,

I will never leave.

From now on I know,

My lover loves me,

He set the trap.

Puke knew this trap was coming,

And he knew I am certain that my lover would get into a legal marriage.

While I am fastened,

To my lovers soul.



Madonna is still the key, and she is a part of a treasure map of poetry. Eminem is Puke, and that is my sense of humor. I listen to his raps and sorta speak Eminem. Proof lost his life and Eminem did rap his pain. I love you Madonna. Amanda


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