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The Two Headed Monsters Have to Work Together- Ambrecel




I do not like being in his cage,

My lover.


Because I am forced to be one with him,

And actually be his partner.

While he is one,

With the two headed monster.

This makes three.

My lover,


And the two headed monster.

This is what has to happen,

My one,

My lover,

Works with the two headed monster,

And then I have to work with my lover.

All of this is about love.

I want my freedom,

And my choices,

My lover says yes have the choice,

But when the time is right,

The trap was sprung,

Even the Dark Horse was involved.


Madonna "You are the key." Dark horse is Katy Perry, but she will get another nick name in the poetry collection, since the collection has Jesus Christ in it, I wanted to include Katy Perry because of her song unconditionally. Yes I am fictionalizing some stuff, and some is truth, for an epic poetry collection. I know I have to work on Pride in this collection, and I am working on vanity in the cage. Yes this is about god and jesus christ, Madonna is still the coach, and yes Juicy J is also the Dark Horse. I love you Madonna Amanda


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