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So thinking about the past today,

And yes I am living in his cage.

When I missed the play,

All those years ago,

The other half of me got hurt.

He yelled at me for missing his play,


And I went no I am not calling him either.


My nose is cut off,

Many times in the body,

And I need the coaches help.

Months went by,

Again writing about this past,

In the middle of the time when we had not been speaking,

After the week together,

My mother did die.

My life changed,

My heart ripped out of my chest.

I needed my lover,

But did not know how to contact him,

So I called a friend.

I did things I did not think about,

Heck I was not thinking,

Even a bad mother,

Is still a mom.

Losing my mother,

Sent me into a marriage with a friend,

When all I needed was a touch from my lover.

You see love is BLIND,

I need his touch,

Not sight.

How do I ask him?

I cannot,

He’s with another,

And my life is in his art.

And his in mine,

Yes pride is in this cage,

Why I am hiding inside.



This is a coach poem, and yes my mom's death date is Oct 16,1999, which means tomorrow I might just want to be alone, like every anniversary. It is the 15th anniversary of living alone with no mom.


I still do not know completely if my lover, the man named Travis is a celebrity, but my name Ambrecel ended up half way in the radio release of Not A Bad Thing by Justin Timberlake and yes my name ends up in a lot of his songs in the background hidden since 2001, from research, and JC Chasez music, and Nysnc. Anyway, I still do not know the truth, which is frustrating, this started in 2011, but the Lover Poems are new, 500 poetry collection that will be a famous book, again fiction religious stuff. Some truth is in the poems, like mom's death and Travis who is my REAL LOVER (reality)... so celebrities are mixed into the poetry, and if I made a mistake with Justin Timberlake I am fine, Madonna is the coach and I know she can help with the music. I love you Madonna.Amanda


PS Souls do not have eyes, it was Travis's touch that seduced me.


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