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Message for Madonna



Hello guys, I found this message on the internet of some fan, and I decided to post, because I think this show the love of a fan and my love for Madonna.






The message said:


It's so difficult to smile when you want to cry. It's so difficult to say good by when you want to stay. It's more difficult to forget you (Madonna) that I want to love you.


Will be in the rain or in the sun, on the summer or in the winter, you always will stay with me in my heart.


Same, if you are beyond the sun, beyond the sea. I know, there is some place where I could see you, find you, and to stay face in face with you! In my dreams I can say: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!


I tried to stay far from this story of love, but when I think in someone, I think in you. And now??? What do I do?


There isn't "exit" for uncontrolled love and it's question to say I Love YOU, but it's necessary to stay with you, same that this will be through of your musics, your dvd's, your books, your photos.


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Yes, xpdri....It goes without saying...We love Madonna forever...She has earned our respect many times over....So we are ICONers to show our gratitude....

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Yes, xpdri....It goes without saying...We love Madonna forever...She has earned our respect many times over....So we are ICONers to show our gratitude....

Yeah, I love to be a Iconer, so I thinks to be a iconer is way to thank all Madonna did and does for us.

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