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Madonna_ <3

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Hi Guys,   I Know that You already knows about the BBC radio, so Let's help Madonna. There is a page on Facebook created for a fan that the objective is do all fans help in promoting Living For Love Music in the UK. And criticizing the BBC Radio 1, that It says our queen is so old for play on the radio.   Looking there for more informations and Helping our queen...     The page is:   #LivingForLoveDAY - 25th February



Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday our QUEEN!!!   You, Madge is the wonderful woman. Everyday our hearts feel happy for you exist, and for You teach   for us how love, respect, the seek for our dreams are important.   What I have to say and I think all fans is: Thank you!!!   We love you, many success, peace, love, health...



Grammy 2014 and....

Days ago, Madge was criticized when You wrote in her Instagram the word "N..." when she referred her son, Rocco...Many people unfortunatelly don't understand that this is an way caring to call her son. So, Madge asked sorry and her intention was other. (An observation: who knows Madonna knows that woman that she is , and know Madge never was, never will be,a isn't prejudiced. It's look for her works and for magnific work she does in Africa) More late, on 27th January, last Sunday ocurred the G



Worthy of a queen

Madge posted in her Instagram the photo that she and her daughter went to the Beyoncé show. This photo shows her daughter, She was getting a kiss of Beyoncé and Madge posted:   "Mercy James gets a big fat one from the Queen. B" -Madonna   So... I post this because I was proud with our queen, because She knows she is the queen, but with this act She show us that She is humble and recognizes the talent of others people, and this is so good. Unfortunatelly, There are singers, artists that doe




Oh MY GOD!!!   I'm addicted in these songs, wonderful rythm and voice...Sure, because is MADONNA....             and this song with the voice of our queen was wonderful...Ah Congratulations Rocco!!! You are an excellent dancer... The queen mother and the prince son is so good and exciting see...  



Today was a good day

Hello guys, today was a good day...why???   Because it is so good when we buy and it is better when We buy something of Madonna...so today I bought the MDNA DVD, obvious that antecipated because it will come at the stores only September, but I wanted to buy for I have the mine after...so now I so anxious for September for I can get it in my hands and I'll remember one more excellent work of our queen...  



Madonna, the Universe Queen...Why???

Hello guys,   The title that I put in this post was: "Madonna, the Universe Queen...Why???" When I wrote "Why???" This is clear for everybody, Madonna is and always will be our QUEEN. She is so wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, sexy , honest, caring, funny, nice, friendly, so...Let's to focus about what I have to say, that is so difficult when you love so much anybody how Madge...in summary: Forbes confirmed that Madonna is of the first five people more influential than the world and the




Hello guys,   I watched this video in youtube. It is a Isaac music of Madge, but if a new way.   Watching...  



Billboard Music _Madonna

Oh my god, guys!!!!             I'm crying so much, but isn't because I'm sad, I'm crying because I'm so happy. I couldn't see the billboard music, but now I saw a youtube video, about the Madonna speech. She is a wonderful person. I was delighted with her attitudes and her words, Madge always show the simple person that She is, She isn't and She won't be never a arrogant person. She recognize all people that work with her and she treats them how people the same the her, and th



SING_music by Madonna and Annie Lennox

Hello guys,   Recently, M. visited the Africa, so I remembered of a music that Annie Lennox made with our QUEEN.     Listening!!!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRIm5ufzMd4   (in 1:40 min, Madge sings with her wonderful voice)



Message for Madonna

Hello guys, I found this message on the internet of some fan, and I decided to post, because I think this show the love of a fan and my love for Madonna.         The message said:   It's so difficult to smile when you want to cry. It's so difficult to say good by when you want to stay. It's more difficult to forget you (Madonna) that I want to love you.   Will be in the rain or in the sun, on the summer or in the winter, you always will stay with me in my heart.   Same, if yo



Madonna is The best .... South America

Hello iconers in this site (http://www.madonnago.com.br/noticias) and many sites the notice of Madonna is that She is the artist more profitable for Live Nation, who said this was the president of the Live Nation.         Congratulation Madonna!!!!! This do of a fan if feeling very proud for you and happy for you.   The president said:   "Seems that I already said this many times, but this is exactly: The success of MDNA tour confirms one more time that MADONNA is the more suc



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