PRESIDENT OF ISRAEL BEG FOR SUPPORT IN SEARCHING REAL BIOLOGICALLY PARENTS AND BEG FOR PROTECTION ’’DAVID BLOOD OR DAVID ORIGIN’’ I have 24 years born 27.08.1985 in 1 am and live captive in Serbia, Ratko Mladic Serbian Terrorist, Dusan Mihajlovic, best friend of Slobodan Milosevic and ex minister of police in 2001 year, Vidoje Vujic gypsy businessmen near city Valjevo Kidnap me as baby from my real biologically parents who lives in territory USA, Europe or Israel, with group of Serb Bosnian
Dear Madonna Louise Ciccone, After two mounts,and two Public letters for you send via Internet,Facebook,Kabbalah Centre and Media personaly,i don` answer from you,or from someone who get your letters and maybe read it letters for you. I send frist letter before start your Tours and concerts. I Apologies ,but exist facts that you having private convresation and contact with girl Andleina Sevic who lives in Valjevo,Serbia,with father and grandmother,girl who have mother,but live without mother.
PUBLIC LETTER FOR Madonna Louise Ciccone I have 24 years and live captive in Serbia, and I search for real biologically parents, in this letter I explain everything about me and my fight. I am your fan from 1990 year to today, listening your music, love your lyrics and plant specific rouse Black Red colour for her, rouse have more then 20 years. I am first men in Serbia & Balkan who have own channel on You Tube with Madonna Songs, and fan who like Madonna like singer in Public. BlackKnig