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Beg for Request for DNA Analysis with Madonna Louise Ciccone - Request for DNA checking Motherhood

Dear Madonna Louise Ciccone, After two mounts,and two Public letters for you send via Internet,Facebook,Kabbalah Centre and Media personaly,i don` answer from you,or from someone who get your letters and maybe read it letters for you. I send frist letter before start your Tours and concerts. I Apologies ,but exist facts that you having private convresation and contact with girl Andleina Sevic who lives in Valjevo,Serbia,with father and grandmother,girl who have mother,but live without mother. Girl is obsessed with you,and tell lays and giving you fake facts :Andjelina Sevic birthday ,Andjelina Sevic parents , and Andjelina Sevic years ,knowledge, French language and more. REAL FACTS IS: I am kidnapped as baby in year 1984 or 1985; I am born 27.08.1985 in 1 AM; I have look as Italian French background; I am Kidnapped from Nazis Sect and Cult who made Sent Nikolaj Velimirovic,with French Serbian masonry who believes in Aryan Race; I am kidnapped from Ratko Mladic Serbian terrorist,who don‚t have parents,grove up with Italian soldiers,who is part of Aryan Nazis sect. I am kidnapped from State Serbia,who gives wrong information about me,other police department and USA about my born date and parents,life in Serbia. Now State Serbia proof self and fight the get in Europe Union,but with historical facts about Serbian People made German people with professor Dr. Jovan I Deretic who speak,translate and make French Letter for Madonna in name Andjelina Sevic. YOU SPEAK,A AND YOUR MOTHER LANGUAGE IS FRENCH, I SEARCH FOR DNA BIOLOGICAL PARENTS AND ASK AND BEG,MAKE THIS REQUEST FOR DNA IN SERBIA AND OTHER COUNTRY S you Madonna Louise Ciccone, PLEASE CHECK YOUR DNA WITH MY DNA,I WANT THE KNOW TRUE WHO IS MY MOTHER I have facts more than 5000 documents about me and my life in Serbia I love Jews,don‚t have own State and Land because have troubles with Nazis,Palestinian,Black people more than 2000 years,way you speak French,and way your mother have secretly Jews origin. Your son David Banda,is black and if one day your blood be David Blood Origin. Maybe Fresc - Picture on Wall in Nicolaj Velimirovic monastery tell the true about kidnapping and killing David Origin by Nazis. WAY YOU ADOPT KIDS !!! I say again first read Public letters for you,and understand my life situation in Serbia,and fight the found my real biloghicaly parents. After all i see you get wrong information about me becouse State Serbia is my enemy and kindnapping me as baby from my real parents from 1984 or 1985 year,i don`t no becouse i life captive in Serbia,with little freddom and withaout human rights. In past and childhood i a send in 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 and 2005 more then 50 letters,and i fight the get you as mother the adopt me, after call media in Serbia,and press the publich life story about me & my life.in Serbia. When live in family who is not my,family who don`t have my blood,an who don`t love me,and have life in city where everybody hate you, attack you, martyrdom and much more,become sick (no mental) and set, lonely without family. When someone took me - kidnap me as baby from USA or other country,baby don` t have mother milk,and get trauma,and become sick,sick of immunity,get bed health. Trauma is not bed health,i little remember women who is my mother, have blue hear and mother milk is so sweet until to today i eat candies and very like candies,sugar is necessary for me. When baby don` t get mother milk, immunity and health of baby,is bed and i have so many years weak immunity Until to today,i very love candies and sugar,and eat every day? I don` t way,but you especially have look, beauty and much things as my real biologhical mother? Because i have dream about woman as you who have angel wings and black red rouse in hand! I am your fan,you are my ideal so many years i listen your song and i make song,i am composer,songwriter make music,you newer hear for me because someone stop me,i am kidnapped. When start the fight the found my real parents,and begging for your help ,Crazy girl Bosnian Serbian,hooker and maybe retard attack me with own retard church fake satanist boys, People from Bosnia,and Kosovo loose houses, families and faith,the protect church and self from Albanians,USA or Europe,make own satanist organization and sect the sell soul for sex and food. Girl with name Andjelina Sevic call self ``queen of all demons `` and have gypsies in own criminal structure who make my kidnappers,sell own body for little money,and call self madonna daughter, wherry like God Jesus and when came night walk in Valjevo street,with black hat on head,i tell own guys,``a have face as madonna`` an ``madonna is Bosnian women`` and ``we are fight for Republika Srpska and Vojislav Seselj``,,we sell body for Great Serbia,and Serbians is Bosnians as President Boris Tadic``.


Girl Andjelina Sevic have mother and father,live with father in incest,so many years,and have protection gypsies businessmen Vidoje Vujic,who have own girls who sell body for money,and who works for Serbian Bosnian terrorist Ratko Mladic, girls have names ``bees`` . Girl mother Branka Mitrovic,is my stepmother,law mother no biologically mother see picture down,and have face as face of Andjelina Sevic,


I don`t no way girl disturb me, and attack me,with Serbian Satanist and Gypsies,but i see girl wants the kill me and steal my ideas,date of born and my letters for you in year 2000,when i beg you the adopt me. Kidnappers steal my letters for you and maybe give Andjelina Sevic,so many years house is wired,and kidnappers listen my house and me. State Serbia hide everything about me,tel lies other police and government,make fake documents,and tells everyone ``Maximilijan is Nazis,and Maximilijan is Serbian who wants the be Jews because is family of Nikolaj Velimirovic. State Serbia fight the girl get parents after plan`s killing real mother Branka Mitrovic and me. ,Girl Andjelina Sevic is Nazis and member of STROJ Serbian Nazis organization. I now have little freedom, temporally live in Belgrade,the finish job and registered my MAX.GLOBAL.ORG.and future company MAX.GLOBAL.ONE.. I have Jews as friends and everybody see Italian face,Italian body,i am not Serbian,not Nazis. You change as person after making Malawi org. and adopted two child‚s from Africa you now change some your songs in gypsies character. Gypsies took me,as baby from my family, because fight the be Aryans,on my web site see everything about me and my fight and explore the Aryans. Gypsies is my enemy's and kidnaper's,i don‚t have many kidnappers i have one group of people who live in Serbia,in towns Valjevo with involve Dusan Mihajlovic,towns Lajkovac with involve Mirjana Djuredjevic,who made Sent Nicolas Velimirovic and calls ‚‚Bogomoljacki pokret‚‚ people who seek love God and Jesus. I almost everyday i dress black pants ,never put black hat,I ***CENSORED*** THE GOD,I KILL THE GOD,I AM AGAINST GOD,i hate black hat,and my wish is when you when have concert in Belgrade,burn black hat in concert, I truly respect you and love you,I plant black red rouse for you,rouse have my blood,i meaning forever love for you,love as mother,as ideal,as woman. In elementary school, someone hunting me with white Mercedes in 1992 , maybe my parents or private detectives,follow me,after Meredes misiing,newer see again.


Be careful if you have contact with Andjelina Sevic,if have or think the girl don‚t have mother,or that she missing baby who saved gypsies and Serbian church Girl is terrorist and talk lays because wants the be very close you the destroy you or kill you. I hear from some stupid story's about your first secret child and weakens,after 50 years you adopt kids WAY? If you think that Andjelina your secret child or missing you must first know true about that girl,girl is born 27.05.1991 year,and contact me i am first who kidnapped in that time born 27.08.1985 1984 or 1985,and maybe kidnappers give wrong information about Andjelina Sevic,the destroy your money and family. I SEARCH PARENTS ONLY FOR TRUE ABOUT ME,I DON‚T WANT MONEY OR INHERITANCE I WANTS MY MOTHER AND FATHER,MY HOME,MY REAL LAST NAME. This letter giving you and whole world true information about me and me life,true about Andjelina Sevic,true about me fight the world soon must see true about me & my website on www.maxglobalone.com. COMING SOON MY WEB SITE ON WWW.MAXGLOBALONE.COM I think that deserve from you the help me with your DNA with lawyers the found my parents,and the give publish advertising about my true life story from you,nothing more. This is maybe my last letter for you,i don`t want the distrube enewone,expacialy you,becouse i am your big fan and loves you as mother. MAXGLOBALONE - Maximilijan Velimirovic


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