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Madonna Karaoke

Now co'mon who doesn't love Madonna karaoke?! Even if your not a fan you can still get down with Madonna! Stop hating and start loving! I heard it through the grapevine that in the UK there are Madonna parties w Madonna karaoke involved! oooooooo! I'm so jelous! In my city you don't see that very much! unless you wanna start one yourself! I think for my 28th birthday this year I wanna do a Madonna karaokethon birthday party! Hey I may even do another one when I turn 30! woohooo! that prove I ain



I can't help but have Madonna on my mind constantly! No it's not a stalkerish kinda feeling, more like a loving kinda feeling

When I wake up in the morning I can't help but start humming a Madonna song cuz she's one of the people that always makes me smile. Her presence is so strong and I swear sometimes I feel like she's actually in the room with me. The Madonna dreams are always the best! I wish I had more of them alot often! I hope I one day will get to meet her like some of you lucky Icons have had the pleasure too!



I love Madonna!!

I could write a book about how much I love and adore Madonna! lol She is alot of things to me, she inspires me, she makes me wanna be a bigger and stronger person, she makes me happy every single day & it's not just her music! She impresses me with her amazing magic tricks she does with her exercising and how to does her thing on stage in front of millions and millions of people. When I grow up damn it I wanna be just like her! lol I wish I could be inside her head and know what she's thin



A sad Icon member

Ok so yes I know when I signed up, I went for the free version, and damn am I glad I did at least I got to see what all the fuzz was about! I see that it got switched back over to all the paid members, which in a way kinda makes me sad, I was really starting to feel the love from everyone on Icon and of course meeting some new faces, and running into some familar ones as well! But not to sound like a baby or a big wush, but I dont wanna pay for it I just wanna be a member again.  In a way yeah



My madonna fan fics!

So I decided to write my own madonna fics! Don't worry no violence coming from this chick!   This is my most recent one:   Obsessed! rachlicious26 July 20th, 15:30 Current Mood: giggly Current Music: Ray of light-M Setting: London; 2009 After arriving back from Malawi   M, Guy and the kids arrive back in London, bringing Mercy home to her new lap of luxury. Madonna simply cannot smiling and is beaming like a kid who's hawked up on ice cream! M and Guy walk inside. M puts Mercy down



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