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Ingrid Collins

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    Rio de Janeiro
  1. Madonna i would love you much more if rebel heart came to brazil, PLS !!!


  3. Hey guys I'm back, and I wanna share with you my soundcloud (I post any music you want, just tell me) and my instagram. I miss post here and your friendship. Love XX http://instagram.com/ingridny23
  4. No guys! The songs is from MDNA TOUR !! Sorry I forgot to write ''tour'' XX
  5. Hey guys! That's my SoundCloud I have all the MDNA Tour version songs available to download in a very clean version and perfect audio and I can share every song you want ! Share in your facebook and twitter, because only this way I can available for you more songs !! XX https://soundcloud.c...grid-cristina-3
  6. We all know that Little Monsters are insane for attention as Gaga is, but how to end with this big shit ?? First of all we have to stop to giving them the attention they're crazy for. For that is important stop to share things about Madonna x lady gaga because we know that Madonna is better and she is the Queen !! Then the little monsters will think : ''Yeah, they give up! They know that Gaga is the new queen!'' , but of course they're wrong because THERE'S ONLY ONE QUEEN AND THAT'S MADONNA One advice: let the monsters think that gaga is the queen, they'll realize some time she isn't. The difference between the LMs and taylor swift fans (for example) is the LMs wanna fight and the taylor fans don't. But doesn't matter who that person is fan her idol always will be the queen/king for her. And I honestly think that Gaga and the little monsters are that way because everybody give to them the attention they want it so bad, and now they wanna kill everyone: Madonna fans,taylor swift, kelly osbourne EVERYONE. I used to be part of that fight in my facebook I shared many things about Madonna x Gaga, but now I realize and I stop to share. Do the same and they will stop, trust me !! Love Ingrid XX
  7. It's no more possible be an Icon member since 2009/2010 (sorry I don't remember). Since that date who turn a member is a Classic Member and consecutively have to wait to buy the tickets for the show Yeah it's sad but is true, maybe one day the Icon come again (let's pray) !! Did I help you? lovexo
  8. ''C-C-C-Catch me on the floor... ''
  9. A fire ignited by a flare from a band’s pyrotechnic spectacle swept through a nightclub filled with hundreds of university students early on Sunday morning in Santa Maria, a city in southern Brazil, killing at least 232 people. Let's pray for those families...
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