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About Inspired25yr

  • Birthday 07/07/1965

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    united kingdom
  • Interests
    Madonna, reading, studying ,creative art and Psychotherapy , Have now become a member of the Kabbalah University and am enjoying my studies have come to understand and learn so much. Visited Kabbalah Center in London cannot wait to go again.

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  1. Why is i that the tour Madame X merchandise is now for sale on Madoona.com ,but in the UK we have a small amount of Madame X items noe relatered to whats showing on Madonna.com . Why is this are we being excluded ? Inspired25yrs

  2. Just wont to say a big thankyou to Madonna's store/livenation for the fantasic service in delieving my items. I order two Rebel Heart official Tour web exclusive Hoodies on 15/11/2016 and the arrived this morning 18/11/2016. The quality as usual is great so will enjoy wearing them for many years to come as I do all my Madonna Hoodies Etc. Thankyou Guys
  3. MADONNA you are and always have been my inspiration, I am in a very bad place right now , could you please find it in your heart to send me an inspirational quote from your heart to see me through this patch and give me the strength, courage, to more continue moving forward be myself not just hide away anymore but come out as a bisexual & embrace it (one reason I am where I am) , being adopted feel reject & loss. You are a fantastic individual & mother please help me. Love inspired 25
  4. Hi all i just wont to express my disappointment and above all frustration with my countries way of dealing with items i purchased from the Madonna Store. Since being a member i have tried to support all that Madonna has been doing and continues to do. I love the items that are featured in the store all of the, over the years i have made several/ many purchases without an issue. However when i made an order earlier this year everything when great at the american end payment was made , item was sent. But when it arrived in England the problem started. It took a long time to arrive when it did i found that i had been charged VAT at 20% on top of what i had already paid, then to top it all i was given a £8.00 handling charge by Royal Mail bring my total to over £50.00. I love my item but being on a low income this caused problems. I do not in anyway blame Madonna , her team, her store this is just a reflection of what i feel is unfair and not justified , there was also no mention of this when i checked my custom rules. I will always support MADONNA in any way i can. At the moment I would love to purchase several items from her store but at present am unable to due to this new rule . The rule being anything over £15.00 will be charged 20% VAT on entry to the country. I will continue to save up for what i wont. Just trying to warn others of whats going on in our country. I LOVE YOU MADONNA ( can not wait for new album that i will purchase no matter what)
  5. Everyday i share my life with Madonna, through her fantastic music to the dedication i have by way of memrobrilla ( pictures to cloths and all thats in between) I have just tried to add my newest addition but its telling me the picture is to big to be put on my profile. After seeing MDNA last year in London . i just knew that my life would not be complete without 'our queen' . I have always had the upmost addmiration for America so i had my third tattoo done on my arm , it is off the American bold eagle with wings wide open and in the centre is a large but very fitting 'M' underneath are the words QUEEN MADONNA. I could not think of a better way to show my feelings for a great country and the worlds finest Lady. My profile shows a lovely portrait on my left thigh, on the right is the name MADONNA done in 3d and in perfect colours that represent all. The eagle will not be my last tattoo, but each one will in its very own way compliment the one person that has given me strengh, enlightment and comfort among many other things and always will do. MADONNA i salute you and thankyou from the bottom off my heart. xxx
  6. Happy New Year 2012 was fantastic with the MDNA tour. Lets hope that 2013 will be just as good if not better. I will see the New Year in with MADONNA PLAYING in my ears. My heart , hopes and all my thoughts are with our 'QUEEN' MADONNA. Can't wait to see what's in store for 2013. Best wishes to you and your family .LOVE ALWAYS XX
  7. 5 stars, and nice tattoo!

  8. Thank you! I appreciate your kindness and nice post. All the best ad remember, stay in touch! Xo, jeannie

  9. Just to say hi and thankyou for your email inviting me to join Madonnaswold.com its a privlage as there is one Icon and inspiration in my life MADONNA

  10. This interview has effect me so much in the fact i wish someone like Madoona had been arround when i was a teenager to talk to , i would not feel like i feel today. I have no regrets in my life just , but how i wish i had had the understanding and communication with my parents that Madonna has with her children. Instead of being told it was shame ful to be bisexual and not 'normal' whatever that is and i would grow out of it, i never told anyone after that till i meet my second husband 8 years ago, but still hold it all inside and it eats away at me everyday. I just wonder if any of you out there feel like i do or decided no this is me and thats that Madonna you are one in a million and i truely hope you made those bullies out there think how would they feel if it was them or is that the truth they are running from.
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