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Well I was watching Lizzo's Big Grrrls, I'm never been into Lizzo, I really didn't have any opinion about her but this scandal with her dancers and the sexual harrassment is pretty shocking. The banana thing is pretty disturbing, what I found just as disturbing was footage of Lizzo doing some interview and she was talking about wanting to go to that club in Amsterdam where they do that banana thing, and she was so excited talking about it and that did not look good and then there was when she thought that her postmates delivery person 'stole' her food and she put put this chick on blast and posted her name and her photo on twitter and she said she was lucky she 'didn't fight anymore' YIKES is all I have to say.

So the title of this blog 'Goodbye Felecia' isn't aimed at Lizzo, it is at my 'former friend/producer' I've wrote about this whole matter regarding him deleting my music and musixmatch. He was also the person who I came out to and a friend for over 20 years. I even took him to see the Rebel Heart tour. So when Madonna was in the hospital and he didn't send me any message talking about her. In the last 7 months I have gotten 3 messages, there has been some emails but. But the messages were regarding trump getting indicted and Fran Drescher's speech. But the last text message he sent, he said he was gonna stop by and hang out and tell me about 'spilled tea' My niece was having her birthday party and he had brought his daughter for the party, but then came back and picked her up and the pinata hadn't been smashed nor had the birthday cake been done. Then my sister asks me if he was coming back, I said I had no clue, she then proceeds to tell me what he was talking about. It was about one of his band member's moving and that his wife had cheated on him and he was devastated, she also mentioned that something about 'cosplay' was involved. I know this person he's talking about and i've heard him talking alot of shit about him many times. So I wasn't surprised at all. It also didn't surprise me that he didn't send me  message back and say that he wasn't going to come over and hang out. He's a bunch of hot air. But I thought to myself, that I doubt his friend who's 'devastated' would appreciate him talking about his personal business like it's a big joke. We've been friends so long and I've been there when he makes new friends or when he's kissing people's ass, then i've been there when he is no longer kissing their ass and is talking a bunch of shit. I never thought this before but I bet he's probably talked shit on me behind my back. I also think now, especially with how he put his name as the songwriter on all of my songs that he would probably steal my songs. I don't know how many times he said I should come to the band rehearsing, but it was all talk because they all came and went and he never informed me on when to come. Like I've said, I wrote all my songs myself, nobody else participated in writing them. I've done the uploading of songs and the steps are pretty clear. On musixmatch his profile for his music is still not verified, because on all my music all the songs that he worked on I've made sure that I properly have given credit to him, even though his behavior and loyalty are pretty lousy. But I just don't lie, so he has the producer credit for all the songs that he did. I even gave him credit for the bell in 'little' 

It's funny how he's the musician but all of his music has incomplete or incorrect music metadata, I'm trying to get all mine correct. All of my music I've uploaded the lyrics and I've translated all my songs into Spanish as well, on musixmatch he has like 3 different names he's put music under and multiple bands and all of the music from all his endeavors have no lyrics and no credit information. I'm talking totally blank! So it doesn't really make sense and it definitely isn't helping his music. I've known this motherfucker for over 20 years and it was last year when it was my day for early studio time that I knew something was going on. When my studio session was cut short because he had an appointment to get his haircut. I was like what is going on. I also suspect that he might be on something. He's always been a selfish person and he's always thought he was the hottest shit on earth but. There is something going on. And after this last deal with his message and hanging out and then he doesn't. I'm not interested anymore, I think this friendship has run it's course. I'm not going to beg someone to talk to me or hang out with me. I don't care if he joins musixmatch, he wiped my music and threw me under the bus and left me in the dust. We were supposed to be making music, but he's making music with new bands, and old bands. I have a new song coming out on August 5, 'Lee's Song' it's a demo, and it doesn't have the lyrics in it. Earlier this month I released some demo's of Lee's Song, was born on the ukelele but on the piano it's dramatic and silly. So this demo has one of my favorite piano demo and the ukelele mixed in. I don't have the computer programs and the music studio like he has. (Note: I helped build the studio with his father) His Dad was a good guy, one of the coolest people I ever met. One of the last times I was in the studio, there was this piece of art his Dad had made and it was underneath some boxes and it was all dusty. I would of been displaying it, he was embarrassed or it. It also didn't have a dollar value. 


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