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How Does Madonna Do It?



I'm from Madonna's generation ... My favorite artists were those who became popular during the late 1960's and 1970's, such as Elton John, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, to name a few. All of those mentioned who are still actively putting out music, I continue to follow, and I continue to purchase any new music they put out. Madonna is probably the last of a generation of great musicians who I continue to listen to and continue to buy any new music she puts out ...


I've heard of Britney Speaks, Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, etc., but I can honestly say though I've heard of them, I couldn't tell you a single song they ever sung, LOL (Ok, I'm familiar with "4 Minutes" obviously). I guess you'd have to have been living in a cave not to hear some of today's top names, but, obviously, I don't listen to any of them. I stick to my classic artists (though I have moved into modern country, and am familiar with many of the newer artists in that genre).


Anyway, back to the point of this blog ... Though I continue to listen to my favorites from the 1970s, what I have noticed is that none of them put out anything nearly as good as they did in days gone by. A nice song here and there on new records, but their records as a whole just do not compare to their past music ... Madonna is the one and only exception to this !!!


Madonna has remained consistent throughout her 30-plus years making music. Her records continue to contain amazing songs that are just as good as anything she's done in the past. Though Hard Candy and MDNA may not be quite as good as earlier things, they still come close ... And now comes Rebel Heart ... On this CD I suspect (based on all the songs I've heard - And I've already heard all the songs on the track listing, plus several others) - Rebel Heart may very well be Madonna's absolute best CD ever !!!


I don't know how Madonna does it, but I'm sure glad she does. I think Madonna is somewhat of a genius. It's really a mystery as to how she manages to continue writing and producing music that appeals to younger generations, without alienating her older fans. At 60, I still love the music she puts out ... As do some of my teenage nieces and nephews!


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