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The Lover is very Hurt - Ambrecel



People are asking me in telepathy,

To write this,

And they agree the Lover is hurting,

They are colleagues and friends.

Why is the Lover hurting himself with too many women.

Those are married to other men,

And do not know it,

Because they do not have belief.

So why is the Lover hurting.

Every time he’s having sex now,

I get his heart first.

And it aches.

The Jury says it is okay for a man,

To get hard and have one to many women.

And Righteous will claim only law creates marriages,

And not the two headed monster.

No details can Trace his pain.

So his heart beats fast seeking me,

And I do not want to feel.

I am cold,


And I need a shield,

For when it melts,

I will be devastated,

because I do not believe,

My Lover really loves me.

I don’t want him to prove it,

Because he hurts me with these women,

And in the end he’s hurting himself.


Yes coach is in this poem and Madonna is the coach. Her song Frozen is in here and I love the dress she wears in the video.


I love you Madonna.




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