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Bored in Bed - Ambrecel



My lover bored in bed,

Has to be,

To become one with me.

Pere might agree,

That my lover might want me.

Because I have been a muse,

To my lover for over a decade.

And I cannot change my name,

Or web-site name.

And I live in a North Western State,

But I know women,

Or one woman,

Have tried to claim,


This sucks,

Because I saw Pere,

A handsome fuckable man,

Why he’s really is Pere,

At a target.

He wanted to see me,

Probably because he did take time to do something,

For me.

I am glad he did that years ago,

Because I know,

My one,

The man who puts his dick on me,

Isn’t happy sexually,

And I have to ask Pere,

To work with Coach,

And talk to my one,

About hurting me,


And he hurts me,

Because he sexually does want me,

Due to the fact he’s bored in bed.


Hi Coach, having lusting spiritual issues, and yes TI as Pere is in this poem. The lust issues is the Lover has sex, and spiritual I do not want to have sex with whom ever he is having sex with. I love you Madonna


PS yes this is crazy.


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