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Jeremy thought to share this HQ scan of the highly collectable UK magazine "Company" to celebrate the anniversary of its June 1985, which is excactly 25 years ago!  "Company" featured a now-vintage portrait of the soon-to-be Queen of Pop by Brian Aris that year and was also one of the first glossy thick magazines to put her on the cover. Most of her previously early cover magazines were stapled issues and this one is not stapled.  Click to zoom. Thanks to Jeremy from Arnhem, Holland.



Madonna clipping from The Sunday Telegraph

A small article on Madonna appears in Australian newspaper The Sunday Telegraph dated June 6, 2010.  Click on the clipping below to enlarge the scan courtesy of M-Tribe friend and contributor Pishpose.



Madonna finds her king in D'Arcy

The Queen of Pop has found her king - Madonna has cast actor James D'arcy as King Edward Viii in her upcoming royal biopic W.E.  The Material Girl is sitting in the director's chair for a second time to tell the story of the former monarch, who abdicated the throne after falling in love with American divorcee Wallis Simpson.  The woman who rocked the royal family will be played by actress Andrea Riseborough, best known for her TV portrayal of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, while Auss



''It's not my fault that I look like her''

"We're compared to each other, whether we're blonde, brunette, black, white, straight, gay. But on another level, it's kind of funny, because my mother actually looks sort of like Madonna. And the older I've gotten, I look more and more like my mother. So sometimes I just want to say, it's not my fault that I look like her."  Lady Gaga, explaining to talk show host Larry King that the neverending Madonna comparison is just genetics.  From an article by BangShowbiz.



Huge MDG billboard in Milan

The MDG campaign lands in the heart of Milan, Italy with a huge billboard that is on display in Piazza Duomo, as you can see by these images captured by our friend GIOrGIO at Super-Pop.it.  Click to zoom.  



'No plastic surgery on her calendar''

Madonna's publicist has dismissed the latest reports suggesting that she wants extensive work done on her face and body to keep her looking as sexy as possible, saying:  "Madonna is directing a movie all summer. (There's) no plastic surgery on her calendar." From an article by MTV News.



David Guetta was unlucky with Madonna

David Guetta has suggested that record label issues may prevent the release of his collaboration with Madonna. The DJ and producer confirmed to The Guardian that he and Madonna recently wrote and recorded a track together. Guetta said: "It's a tricky situation, because she's now out of a record deal. We don't even know what's going to happen with it. It's a huge record, so it's really frustrating. "The track is part of the Warner deal, but it's not on the album, so why would they invest any mo



''I have always believed love conquers all''

Dear Friends,   In the last week over 30,000 of you added your name to mine calling for the release of Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga - the Malawi couple sentenced to 14 years hard labor for the "crime" of homosexuality. With incredible joy, I am writing to share with you that Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika has ordered their release. Steven and Tiwonge were freed on Saturday night. They have won their freedom and you have been a part of it. I would love to hear your reaction to t




The new MDG collection goes live online at dolcegabbana.it where you can check out the campaign film, the advertisement images and backstage pictures, andshop for your favourite design among over more than 30 variations of style and colour.  Check it out now at dolcegabbana.it



Special screening of Susan at Los Angeles Film Festival

Lucky Madonna fans in the Los Angeles area will have a chance to watch again on the big screen the classic 1985 film Desperately Seeking Susan, for free."Susan" will be back on the silver screen after 25 years on Saturday, Jun 19th at 8:00pm during the Los Angeles Film Festival. Don't miss this chance to re-live a piece of Madonna history as her early hour fans in the 80's did. Desperately Seeking Susan Free Screenings  (USA, 1985, 104 mins) Directed By: Susan Seidelman Executive Producer: Mich



Limited edtion Madonna tees from Trunk Ltd

If you're looking for a not-so-ordinary Madonna t-shirt, theMadonna Official Store comes in hand with a selection of threelimited edition designs from Trunk.  Inspired to Madonna's "Ray of Light", "Hard Candy" and quite unusually, to "Substitute for Love" these tees are definetly rather different from what we usually see in the merchandise department - thanks to Trunk ltd.  Check out each of the 3 designs by clicling the images below, scroll down for some close-ups and check out more at the Ma



The Russian ''Stick and Sweet'' CD+DVD comes out in jewel case

Here's a nice look at the Russian edition of the Sticky & Sweet Tour CD + DVD. As you can see by the images below courtesy of MadonnaTribe's longtime correspondent Rinat, the release for the Russian market comes out with a regular jewel box case instead of the digipack available in the rest of the world.  Artwork and booklet are virtually unchanged apart from the obvious necessary format adjustment and small print notes, plus the CD+DVD also comes wrapped with a nice "obi-style" band which



Madonna clippings from Germany

The story of Madonna's personal belongings and memorabilia that ended up on online auction site eBay a few weeks ago made its way to the German press as you can see from these clippings from the May 12th issue of "In Touch" and "Grazia".  Click to zoom. Thanks to Susanne.



More MDG backstage pics on Dolce and Gabbana's Facebook page

The official Dolce & Gabbana page on Facebook has been updated with three more backstage pictures from the Steven Klein photoshoot for the MDGcampaign.  For the full size version of the image below please check Dolce & Gabbana onFacebook.  The MDG collection includes 6 styles and will be available online for sale soon.



MDG collection in ''Madame Figaro''

Madonna's new sunglass collection designed together with Dolce & Gabbana under the new MDG logo was featured in this article about what's hot and new in the spectacles world that can be seen on the May 21 issue of French magazine "Madame Figaro".  Click the image below to enlarge the clipping courtesy of M-Tribe friend and contributorMaurice from Paris.



Madonna clipping from Germany

The May 12 issue of the German edition of "OK" magazine reports on the Madonna cover story in this month's "Interview" with the nice article you see below.  Click the image to enlarge the clipping courtesy of M-Tribe friend and contributorSusanne.




When news in Madonna's camp are a bit slow even a simple change of look between a tv appearance and the Carnival in Rio seems to be worth spending some ink... at least from what you see in this snippet from the May 20 issue of French magazine "Envy".  Click on the image to enlarge the scan courtesy of M-Tribe friend and contributorMaurice from Paris, France.



Madonna picks up the bill

Madonnamay be pop royalty but she’s no diva when it comes to partying.  When she hit the trendy Aura nightclub in London last Thursday I hear she insisted on picking up the £20,000 bar tab for her dancers.  A club insider told me: "It's unheard of for a big star to offer to pay when they normally get nights out free."  "All she asked was that none of her own songs would be played, there were to be no sparklers with her drinks and no paps when she arrived."  I spent a good 20 minutes within 2ft



Madonna and Marlene strike a pose

A rare picture of Madonna striking a pose in her "Vogue" outfit with costume designer Marlene Stewart can be found on the Spring 2010 issue of The Costume Designer magazine.  It is worth noticing that the magazine mentions that the pic was taken backstage at theAmerican Music Awards in year 1991, while instead the image is much likely to be from the MTV Video Music Awards the year before.  At the 1990 MTV Video Music Awards Madonna performed "Vogue" in her glorious Marie Antoinette rendition a



Right to love and be loved: Add Your Name to Madonna's Statement

Dear friends,  Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga will spend the next 14 years in a Malawi jail, sentenced to hard labor.  They aren't murderers. They didn't steal. In fact, they didn't commit a crime.  They were convicted of homosexuality.  I call upon the progressive men and women of Malawi -- and around the world -- to challenge this decision in the name of human dignity and equal rights for all.  Please add your name to mine in a pledge of support for the freedom to love:  www.rais



''Challenge This Decision In The Name Of Human Dignity''

Madonna's official statement on the imprisonment of a gay couple in Malawi."I am shocked and saddened by the decision made today by the Malawian court, which sentenced two innocent men to prison. As a matter of principle, I believe in equal rights for all people, no matter what their gender, race, color, religion, or sexual orientation. Today, Malawi took a giant step backward. The world is filled with pain and suffering; therefore, we must support our basic human right to love and be loved.



Madonna has found her Duchess

Madonna has found her Duchess of Windsor - and it's all thanks to Margaret Thatcher.The singer has injected some energy into her once troubled filmW.E., about Edward VIII's abdication crisis and the so-called romance of the century between Edward and twice-divorced Wallis Simpson, by casting rising star Andrea Riseborough, who portrayed the young Mrs Thatcher in BBC drama The Long Walk To Finchley, as Mrs Simpson, who later became the Duchess of Windsor. In W.E. (it stands for Wallis and Edward)



I Am Because We (C)are...

Two years ago, Madonna, who is often seen as a role model among gay, lesbian, bi and transgender communities, produced I Am Because We Are, a touching documentary about the poverty and difficult conditions of people living in Malawi and children growing up in a country deeply affected by HIV/AIDS.The primary mode of HIV transmission is unprotected heterosexual sex and mother-to-child HIV transmission is the second major mode of the desease transmission. Madonna fans of all sexualities around the



Simply Madonna Down Under

MadonnaTribe reader and contributor Pishpose was lucky enough to be in Perth, Western Australia where the "Simply Madonna" exhibition was on display.  "Simply Madonna" has been seen so far only in London and Melbourne," he writes. "Australian music guru Molly Meldrum added his own touch to the exhibition loaning a framed gift of CD's given to him by Madonna."  Check out a gallery of 26 images from the exhibition at Enex100 in Perth - which shocased a limited number of items but certainly got a



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