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TIME Magazine Interview

Madonna knows contraversy – you don’t become the world’s most famous pop singer without ruffling a few feathers. But this time, just about everyone from tabloid reporters to adoption groups seems to be weighing in on her decision to make David Banda, a young boy from Malawi, part of her family TIME: Why do you think people are so upset by the fact that you adopted a Malawian child? Madonna: People or the media? Because I don’t think people really give a shit. But when you throw in things like,



Madonna at VMAs 2009?

Sep02 Rumour: Will M.J. Lure Madonna to the VMAs? The Net has been abuzz for a bit that Madonna will make an appearance at the Video Music Awards in New York next weekend. Even though the queen’s rep shot down that possibility to Marc Malkin last week, we hear MTV isn’t ready to give up. So how might they entice Madge to hop onboard the very hyped show this year? By dangling the M.J. card, obviously. We hear the VMAs are going to have a “big” Michael Jackson component, and execs are dying f




Madonna's definitive Greatest Hits Collection is released shortly and what better way to celebrate Celebration than the 15th London Madonna Party! When? Saturday 3rd October, 2pm - 10pm Where? G-A-Y Late, Goslett Yard (1 minute from Tottenham Court Road Tube station) Free entry and free raffle giveaway including a signed CD direct from Madonna's team. Everyone who arrives before 5.30pm will get two raffle tickets to double your chances of winning! 8 hours of Madonna's Greatest Hits and p



Madonna and Benjamin Netanyahu

Madonna joined the Israeli prime minister and his family Friday in the traditional ritual welcoming the Jewish Sabbath. A statement from the prime minister's office says the singer spent two hours with Bejamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara at their home, lighting candles and reciting a blessing together. Madonna, seen in the handout picture below released by the Israeli Government Press Office, was wearing a short-sleeved black dress as she left the heavily guarded Netanyahu home Friday. She wa



From Jerusalem Post

Jewish mysticism has transformed Madonna, Karen Berg, the co-founder of the worldwide Kabbalah Center, told The Jerusalem Post Thursday in an exclusive interview. "If you compare her 13 years ago, when she started studying, and today, she's a changed person," said Berg. "She's a good human being, she studies, she wants depth. She's a ravenous student. She's a very highly intelligent and spiritual human being. "She reads and follows Hebrew, and has learned how to speak some Hebrew," said t



Latest news from Israel

After wrapping up her Sticky & Sweet Tour at Hayrkon Park yesterday night she went back to her hotel to freshen up and change her clothes, and two hours later at about 2AM in the morning she left and headed to the Seatara restaurant for dinner, joined by Jesus Luz, photographer Steven Klein, and Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli. Madonna is also said to be traveling to neighboring country of Jordan today and meet their queen Rania. It is not clear if Madonna will visit other places in that co



TEL AVIV- The last S&S show

An overview of the second night in Tel Aviv… Tonight, the whole family was on stage. Little David danced on stage during Paul Oakenfold’s set, Rocco was helping DJ Enferno during Music and Lola was playing the piano during Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You. The show ended again with Madonna and Lola holding hands. Madonna was full of emotions and energy, to a point where she was almost losing her voice during Ray of Light, yelled “What’s this shit?!” during Spanish Lesson, not wanting to sing the



The New Video Celebration

The new "Celebration" video will have its Italian premiere tomorrow, September 1st, on the online website of Il Corriere della Sera.The videoclip directed by Jonas Akerlund has been previewed to the media today and it will be exclusively available on www.corriere.it tomorrow from 8 AM local time.Talking about today's preview Corriere.it mentions a supersexy Madonna, a love profusion with model Jesus Luz that will certainly let the press go crazy, and the guest appearance of Madonna's...



Madonna in Portofino

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