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journey to freedome

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Hold Tight

Holding tight, focusing on the future.....   been waiting 15 months for a call.... been contacting all the authorities and charity organizations for LGBT refugee's are we forgotten ? been living in Turkey since April.29.2014 would i do it all over again if i could turn back time? being a gay refugee in Turkey where nobody respects you . I ran and i ran from the noise and the silence. that blank look and laughter from people. i hid my tears hid my fears. trying to reach the sky with no wings. p



Madonna's 58th Birthday

Dear Friends   I haven't posted anything for a long time now so here are the updates. if you want to learn more about my story visit my previous blogs. so yesterday was Madonna's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADONNA you always give me hope and make me strong.   so after all i got accepted to go to Canada and i was so happy about it until i heard that Canada's embassy is more focusing on Syrian refugees than the other ones like ours (LGBT's) so they told me that we have to wait. so I've been wa



I have a tale to tell ....

Hey its me again. so its been a year and a month that i came to Turkey. at first i came with little money but then i found a job and made living out of it. i guess i was one of the lucky few. if you read my previous post you'll understand that i escaped, for what? FREEDOM I'm thinking to go to Canada because i think that Canada is a more gay friendly then America maybe I'm wrong i don't know. the thing is they will send me wherever i have a relative or a friend or someone i know. since I was bor



4th of August 2014

It all happened so fast .......   it's been three months now we are in turkey. We ran away from a place called home that also could kill us..... Iran-Tehran. people not accepting our behavior, our family turned there back on us. little hope we have that someday we will be able to just live and not be scared of dying, the hard thing is that the person that could kill us might be our loved ones. I believe that Gay men and Women and all the LGBT community are the most strongest people in the w



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