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The theory of the negative influence of the thought-forms generated spontaneously or purposely by the people (“wannabe”) who imitate other person (normally the celebrity, “icon”) to explain “Voodoo doll- Zombie Strings” phenomena.

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“WANNABE VOODOO ICONS” (W.V.I.): https://www.facebook.com/dimanasus.prophecy.project

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:   https://facebook.com/dzmitry.aliaksandravich.vasilyeu   WANNABE VOODOO ICONS” (W.V.I.):   -the theory of the negative influence of the thought-forms generated spontaneously or purposely (deliberately) by the people called “wannabe” who imitate other person such is normally some celebrity, the “icon”, to explain “Voodoo doll- Zombie Strings” phenomena, also might be recognized as "magical emanation" or “Tulpa”, causing the iconized persons’ lives to be temporarily or



“WANNABE VOODOO ICONS” (W.V.I.) Original Theory

I would like to invite everyone who is really "real" to start discussing my “W.V.I.” theory and enriching it through sharing the ideas and opinions about this issue. Here is a brief description which you also can find published on my profile thus if you want to know much more about it,please,just ask me (!?).   The abbreviator “W.V.I.” is typically pronounced as “DoubleYouViay” and in Belorussian West Slavic mythology “Viay” or “Viy” is a name underworld personage who has a magic ability “to



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