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Status Updates posted by RinoTheBouncer

  1. hey there :) glad to hear from u dear xD

  2. BIIIIG hugz n best wishes xD

  3. hey there

    how u doin ?

    have a sweet weekend !

  4. HEY

    how u doin ? hope everything is going great with you

    have a wonderful weekend

    best wishes



    lots n lots of love to you

    have a wonderful weekend, a weekend sweet as you <3

  6. hey how u doin' sweet thing ? howz everything going ? hope you're having fun

    have a wonderful weekend

    big hugz


  7. hey there how u doin ?

    have a wonderful weekend !

  8. hey there how u doin' ? 5 stars to you

    n lots of love n best wishes xD

  9. best wishes to you my friend xD

  10. thank you so much for the sweet sweet words xD HUGz n Lots of LOVE

    how u doin ? hope everything is great with u <3

  11. hey cute creature, thanks for passin' by my profile

    how u doin' ? hope everything is cool xD

    big big hugzzz

  12. same to you briBRI xD

  13. Groove, SLAM, work it back !

    1. justsloan


      baby pump that track!

    2. RinoTheBouncer


      RENO in the Room xD !

  14. Best Wishes n Regards ;)

  15. Big Hugz to my fellow sweet handsome friend xD

  16. hey there

    how r u ? glad to hear from u xD

    here it's almost snowing, I love snow but sadly it doesn't happen that much here n if it does it occurs in weekends hehe while I hope it come throughout the week to ruin the college time :P HEHE

    have a wonderful time !

  17. Ohhh that's a pretty interesting article

    I wish you all the best xD

    howz life going ? how are you today ?

    hope you have a wonderful week xD



  18. HEY YO

    how u doin' ? it's great to hear from you again xD

    don't worry about it, we all have things that keep us busy but of course we never forget about each other.

    howz life goin' ?

    I can't wait till this semester is over ! xD

  19. LOVE U TOO big hugzzzz

  20. heyyy there, thank you so much for the sweet wishes

    wish you a great weekend as well xD

  21. says : "One's Orientation, and Religion are PERSONAL choices and non of anyone's business"

  22. HEY THERE xD

    yeahhh LOL it was a nice day in the wilderness hehehe xD

  23. Glad to hear you're doing okay xD

    I'm doin' good too, can' wait till this semester ends though hehe xD

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