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About chados

  • Birthday 04/30/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Seoul, Korea
  • Interests
    Madonna of course.
  1. Whenever I say I'm a fan of Madonna, many people in Korea goes, "Are you a pervert? Why Madonna?" I don't know why people always bring out that sort of streotype whenever they hear the name "Madonna" Wait, I think I can guess. People still think about Madonna singing "Like a Virgin" in a white dress in the 80's...20 YEARS AGO!! Let me just confess somthing here though. I love having sex. Safe-sex, of course. Who doesn't eh? I find myself in scenes quite often, but I don't think it makes a pervert right? I think I'm just sexually a bit more liberal than many of my own people here in Korea. (Considering, I've been living in Toronto since high school !) Most of my friends get red-face as apple when they see Madonna's performance..or even when I ask them to check out a sex store. It doesn't mean they are not interested in sex or something, they just pretend they are not..but NO! They are just all liars eh? I think I'm not a pervert. I'm just being a bit more liberal than my friends, especially when it comes to sex. A message to my friends: Express yourself ! I know what you want inside. Let's make a confession guys haha
  2. chados

    random diary

    alright, this is my second blog entry. Honestly, I've got nothing special to write about. As I've confessed in my profile, I'm in military. I'm an active-member (coporal) in Korea. I'm about half way through, expecting to be discharged next year in April. Finger-crossed!! I can't wait that day to come. For your information, I didn't volunteer to join, it was conscription. If you think about it, it kinda sucks you know.. after living my life in Toronto for over 7 years, coming back to Korea only to serve in the army for about 2 years. You can bring the topic of your country's case, North Korea, Nuclear Weapon, and patriotic spirit and blah blah blah. Well...everything is fine, except I'm not allowed to listen to any music in here. That really drives me mentle. I don't care how long I be in training, how many hours I'm on guard-duty in the sun. Those things are OKAY. However, no music AT ALL? I don't know, I just can't stand that at all. Though, there is a good story as well. I can be online for a few hours at the end of day. As I'm writing this blog, I'm listening to "Celebration". The tune really makes me wanna jump and dance like crazy, but you know, people are darting their eyes on me, so I can't. If there is one thing that really makes me going everyday, it's Madonna and this connection that I have on ICON. That's it ! Good day everyone! Love you all in Madonna!
  3. I'm a proud Iconer, even though I joined only a year ago. However, it doesn't mean I've been Madonna's fan only for a year, I've been her fanatic fan since 1997. Though, the early encounterment happened in the late 80's and the early 90's when my mum put 'Like a Virgin' and 'Material Girl' in her car. At that time, I guess many people were well aware about Madonna. There even was a female singer in Korea named Kim Wan-Sun, who danced exactly like Madonna, and whose music cleary resemble that of Madonna's. Though, at this very moment, it's not an easy job to be an Iconer in Korea. (I'm not sure about other parts of Asia) It's not even like when I say I'm a fan of Madonna, people goes like "Are you gay?" It's more like.."Isn't she dead already?" I'm a proud Iconer. I don't care what my people talk about her or talk about me being a fan of her in Korea. As long as I know, I've got thousands of thousands of friends around the globe who shares the same interest and love in Madonna. I'm very happy to be an Iconer, and I'm very glad to get to know everyone! I love you all !!!
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