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8 Years Ago



So on Facebook 8 years ago I posted about it being the opening night of The Rebel Heart Tour. I can't believe 8 years have went by. It's hard to believe how much has changed in my life since then. 8 years ago I was in an unhealthy relationship with a real asshole. I remember taking my exfriend/producer to see the Rebel Heart Tour in Inglewood  at the Forum. Then I remember getting bitched out after the concert and being accused of all kinds of things from the asshole. It wasn't long after that when I found out that he was cheating on me. 16 years wasted with a closetcase who never gave a shit about me. I took that loser to see the Mdna Tour.  Now in 2023 I'm single and I no longer speak with my friend. Him and his wife were suppose to be my best friends and they both ended up stabbing me in the back. What shocks me is that she turned out to be a real ***CENSORED*** and her husband didn't have the balls to speak to me in person. But it is what it is. I know that I was always a loyal and good friend. I have receipts to prove it. I also have the receipts to show that they weren't good friends. It's a shame but that's life.


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