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Madonna Family Poem





Love, patience, understanding, compassion are words that make up a family
Tender heart filled unconditionally love, shared with love ones all year long
Guidance, patience, always there, never expected anything in return


Late nights filled with endless chores, still homework to done, bed stories to read, lunches to be made
Endless conversations to be had, endless things to be done, but still, we seat and listen, for that’s what a
a family does
F is for family who does things together, laughter to be shared, wisdom to be gain, new stories to be told
For we gave them the tools, now it’s their time to shine, for all we can do now is stand up and applause


Kids are grown, family expanding, more love to shared, new stories to told, new adventures to be explore
Parents' jobs never end, for we now grandkids to attend, new laughter to share, new memorize to make
As time turn to dust, one thing that never ends is the laughter we share and memories we gain
Love makes a family, the main ingredient that makes a family great though, is the love we have for each other


Through the headaches and troubles, we learn what family really is about, and how great it is to be part of one
DNA is what a person but not who they are, for that’s where family comes in
DNA is nice but that does not want makes a family, it’s the unconditional love we share for one another
Together or separate doesn’t make a difference, if there is love to be shared, then family can be anywhere


It’s the good and bad, but the moments filled with love, are the ones we will cherish the most
So cherish one another because at the end family is all we have
One thing that never ends is the love that we have for each other, to be of love that is the greatest lesson you could ever teach
It’s the love we share, the wisdom we gain, that’s set us free when it’s our time to go
Family is all we got, it’s all we need, for we are here to be of service, love one another, nothing else


Love is endless forever pure like a crystal, never can be destroyed, only created
Then that means family is forever, forever lasting, forever growing


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