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Madonna my angel.



Dear fans, we know Madonna is our Pop Quenn .Madonna was change my life ,U was having an boring life with not love and passion ,Madonna was chane in to an energy ,crazy ,beautiful life ,and she was trabsformed in a life with brain with think .I am a student and is it a lot of discriminesitons in my school ,and the opinion of stuends it isn't important for school,Madonna was change my think ,her is an wonderful person I like and live all actions for helping peopel from Malawai and I love her beaucause it was opening my eyes and I love and respect very much for this .

I love her strong persobality beacause in difficult moments she was fightib no stopping and it was express her self and it isn't care about gouverment and another peopel who it isnt aprove with her . Now i have an questions for all .

What was changeing Madonna at you?Why? What is you favourite song from her ?

This is an competision and the winner it was the person who have the best story and it is pronuceting in a comment .


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Madonna is much more than the Queen Of Pop...She is also a terrific actress and has sympathy for the underprivileged and minority groups...My favorite MDNA song is Masterpiece; my favorite other songs are all the ones from Evita....Nothing can ever change my respect and admiration for M....all these years; ever since she appeared on the entertainment scene..I feel bad when she is antagonized..and I'm happy when she wins awards...

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So... what do I think of the Madonna? This is a great and difficult question. Why? Because Madonna is the best, is the queen, if I was to write all that I feel and I think about Madge I will write my all life, but it is certain that will good things. Madge is this wonderful, talented, loving, caring, happy, funny, beautiful, brave, dedicated, dependent, friendly, generous,glad, honest, hard-working, intelligent, nice, responsable, adorable, creative, religious, romantic, wise...person

My love for Madge increase each day, her musics are wonderful, the music in this new album that I like is Masterpiece too, but I like I don't give a, and Girls Gone wild too. I'm so sad when Madge is criticized, Why???Because She is the best and She always does the best how can the people criticize ???

Madonna is a example of person and woman.


In surch: There is only one queen, that's MADONNA. <3



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