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How about extending MDNA Tour?



....I think that Mdna Tour's been successful but it's a little too short compared to her average tours.

Adding new dates in 2013 would pay with a positive feedback. Furthermore, Oceania's fans deserve to see the Queen.

I wonder how Madonna's staff would welcome this suggestion, but what do you think about it?


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It's a wonderful idea for Madonna to extend her tour; I thought the same thing.....But .....I did not realize up until now that Madonna needs also some time off.. I now realize how demanding her schedule is; day after day, rehearsing, singing and performing...Madonna deserves time with her family too....If she wants to extend MDNA later in 2013, that's her call..If she wants to do other concerts instead of this...We will wait for her return.

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It'd be great but you see, MDNA has more dates than the Sticky&Sweet Tour 2008 AND 2009... And she has squeezed them into a 6 months period, she must be exhausted by now. Although Australia deserves a Madonna show ASAP!


Maybe she'll extend in Summer 2013?

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Not just being with her family, but a human body is not a locomotive; it needs rest ...God for bid permanent muscle damage from exhaustion..So M. consider this also...I/We can wait for your return gradually...

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After further thought, a human body needs rest...No sense coming back too soon and getting sick from lack of peace and quiet...What good is the money and entertainment if you become ill...Do the right thing, M...Your health comes first..

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