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yay!!! S&S dvd finally comes out to play!!!! :D



I'm soooo excited to get my hands on this fabulous dvd/cd next week!!! It's like IGTTYAS all over again! <3
It pisses me off since watching all the youtube videos all the fabulous fans posted and talked about the experience, I was soooo mad! I wanted to go sooo bad! It's a ***CENSORED*** when you don't have enough money! grrrrrr! Oh but god damn it Madonna i'm sooooo gonna see your ass! Even if I have to pull a 5 yr old version of me screaming on the floor having a tempertantrum well you'll know why! lol jk haha well there will be screaming if that comes down to it hehe!
Anyways, I'm soooo glad theirs bonus features yay!! and no ***CENSORED*** ups it looks like! except Into the groove wtf is up with that yo! lol
Caaaaaan't waaaait! :D


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