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I did not know I could not talk about SEX



I have decided on which side I am when talking about the younger M fans' discussions. I guess I am that old-fashioned that I can't listen to those younger Madge fans even if I try... The problem is not that they are younger or that they admire Maddy. The problem skulks behind their comments. "Madonna's songs and tours are so cool no matter I don't know all of her songs, but at least I know many<3<3<3<3<3<3333" I know that I have been a younger fan too. The sensitiveness bothers me - I need to analyze and compare Madonna stuff... 

When I received my SEX book, I was in France as an exchange student. We ordered the book through French Ebay which my host father used continuously. I told the father that I would buy it for 40-50e on condition that he wouldn't open the package when it arrives. We won the auction and of course he opened it when it arrived. I was speechless. How did he dare? Well obviously he didn't know what the book means to me. He half raped my soul. I didn't want to take the chance to explain him what he had just done, because he wasn't that kind of guy who listens to emotional excuses. Finally I got the SEX book which is the target of ALL Madonna fans. I had read the book already so I concentrated on admiring the high quality of the material and pictures. I felt special. I treated the book as a mother treats her child. Or then not, because it was in my suitcase, secured all alone behind a number code.

Nowadays, the book is in my bookshelf among my other M books. I have told my mother not to touch the books, not particularly the SEX, because if I mentioned the name of the book, it would arouse too much of curiosity. What a weird thing that that word never loses its attractiveness! I still can't name my favorite Madonna memorabilia. I know it would be an autograph if I had one. It's interesting what people could do for certain things. I remember my friends asking me if I would kiss the school's ugliest boy's ass to get a Madonna concert ticket. That is very nasty and dirty in a dirty way, not dirty in a sexual way. Hah! 

I saw a Madonna's manager's taken photo on the internet where a fan was wearing a t-shirt telling "Would f*ck for Madonna". How about that? I'm happy that not many people have realized to get benefits on that way. Hah I can see already some headlines saying "Trading sex to Madonna tickets - legal or illegal?". I know there was that kind of a situation in 2001 when Madonna was on tour. A radio reporter was offering a ticket to M's concert for sex. He got what he wanted and the other person went to see Madonna. This is an interesting phenomenon that proves how crazy people can be. A truck driver blurted out to me in Madonna's Helsinki concert that "Madonna is not THAT great" when I hurried to the concert area. I was just wondering "oh, if he only knew..."

By the way, my Madonna cover recordings are already this far: www.drownedworld.skyrock.com ! :)

(This text also in my blog in http://madonna-addicted.blogspot.com )


Muscles ;)


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