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Been out for a while



Hi Iconers, Been away for a bit.  Anyway not much has been going on.  Did see the Pet Shop Boys a couple of weeks ago here in Seattle.  The show was great even with the venue being the Moore Theater.  It got hot fast.  I boght a program that I looked at a few times and now it will probably be put on the shelf.  It was more diffficult to get a autograph from them this time.  I guess I did not try hard enough.  I have one from the last time they were here and we got to dance on the floor at the Paramount Theater.

I started the fall quarter again at the UW.  I am taking some legal class for health care.  Honestly I am excited that my long college career will come to an end this June.  I am so ready to move on with that part of my life.  Anyone want to donate to my college fund that would be great...taking all bids :) 

Also just visited the Hawaiian Islands just last month.  I like to travel for my birthday away from my mundane life and live little dreams.  The big island is wonderful.  The frogs at night were screetching and the stars are an amazing sight.  saw the lava glow and spill into the ocean.  There were giant sea turtles on the beach, WOW!  I did venture to do some snorkling on my actual bday (9/6).  The colored fish were nice to see among the reef.  It was quite the feat to be scimming over just a foot of water and then suddenly I'm in many feet of water.  I got a little spooked by that.  At one point I did not like being so far out from shore as the waves crashed over my head and I choked a couple times. The blowing that needs to be done with the snorkling gear is a matter of getting used to.   I went in kinda quickly after that.  I am not sure what my fear is besides that of a surprise shark attack.  I was delighted that the water was so warm and blue.  Here in the northwest the waters can be clear and dark and frigid.  I almost never get in the water here, unless it is a swimming pool.

I did manage to get a pretty good burn that day, becuse the next day it was difficult to sleep I'll say...  This was with a 30 proof on.  Life goes on and now all that is a memory as the work day tends to encompass any originality in thought that I developed while away in my little dream.

Good night.  Keith


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