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can i just tell you all how happy i am to hear Madonna's new song. to be honest with you even if she didnt make this song i am still going bananas over the past 2 years with s&s tour. i really do feel privledged to be able to see her in concert a few times that i have.  she really has made such a last impression on me since i was quite young and i admire her in so many ways for her strength, confidence, her business sense also just being sexy and exuding that whichever way she wants because she has that secureness. i love it peeps.

in any case if any iconers read this i am asking for some direction.  i am still wanting to see the s&s that was taped in south america on sky 1.  i attempted at the time to get it by download from sky 1 but it would not allow me as i do not have an acct with sky 1. i see downloads online but of course i do not trust any website.  i dont want to watch on youtube so i am wondering if my icon family can guide me in the right direction.

ps. love the video,her outfit, HAIR, dancing including her hottie who is DJing in the video.




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