What would Madonna do now?
In last 20 odd years Madonna has left each and everyone us a guide on how all of us can become icons.
I posted short of week ago I was celebrating her work in my creative life with listening to only her by choice for 51 days to celeberate her 51 years of life on this Earth.
We are all here displaying our selfhood in this life and none of us can forget we are all moments that make history what it is because none of us are born into a void.
Now I am moving into my second week of listening to Madonna and while listening to her music I have researched her up and downs during her career that has finally lead her to being the ultimate female artist in the music industry.
I am looking at my life and the foundation I have been building in my own business of self expression as a Destination Special Event Photographer. I have gone from the point of not believing in myself and living below the line of poverty to photographing in some of the most prized venues in my country.
Music has always been a doorway to escape into my own private world of creativity and I can say Artist like Madonna, Peter Gabriel, U2, just to name a few have always been there to touch the right feelings keep my soul walking a more creative than destructive life.
My creativity even though I am a male has always been more Romance and Adventure. I think this is why I do link up with Madonna's work as much as I do. She talks to my feminine arena of my creative urge.
All my life my creative world has been there asking me why I was not working harder at what potiential I truly had.
Instead I built up walls of insecurity keeping me from tapping into the happiness that money could never buy me.
These walls of insecurities will lead to stagnetation that will destroy your self esteem.
All I can say while I type this listening to the album - one of my favorites - "ray of light"
When it's all done and said we are in a time when the "Mass" needs a Messanger like Madonna. She may not be Superman or Wonder Woman.
However, she is a Super Hero to most of her fans that pledges to them that "it can be done"! We can overcome ourselves an make life on this Earth work in this very troubled time if we all work and live to become ICONs to preserve life in the most Majestic and Proactive approach.
Sometimes I ask myself what would the earth sing out to us if she choose communicate with us.
In many times I have felt that by some of the timley messages Madonna has in her music and knowing in spirit we are all just part of the Earth. This planet can reach into our lives and bring us important life messages through hearts that remain true to their humanistic cause.
Here's to the "Lady of The Month" and Humanities current colective voice of our tune of time.
I hope her New Year of existance is off to Ambitious Spiral of Activity!
40 odd days left of the Queens messages in my ears,
Madonna - an esteemed lioness with perfection embracing her romantic heart!
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