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Hi guys! have spent Christmas Eve and Christmas? It was a nice moment ... too quiet to start ... but it was good because I was reunited with my family and friends ... Lately I connect to this beautiful place, but if in my twitter is GabihMMathers, I say also that I go on holiday to Brazil and I will be away from my house: D but at least I already received that place ... but I'll miss Eminem, Rocco, and Madonna ... my dogs! but I promise to bring gifts to my dogs from my vacation Regards and e




Hi guys! have spent Christmas Eve and Christmas? It was a nice moment ... too quiet to start ... but it was good because I was reunited with my family and friends ... Lately I connect to this beautiful place, but if in my twitter is GabihMMathers, I say also that I go on holiday to Brazil and I will be away from my house: D but at least I already received that place ... but I'll miss Eminem, Rocco, and Madonna ... my dogs! but I promise to bring gifts to my dogs from my vacation Regards and e



I have problems with my computer

Hello to all my friends Icon Social ... in truth that you have not I come here because of problems I have with my computer ... not upload photos or videos as I had to delete all the images I had of Maddy But do not worry, will recover soon ... I have them all loaded on my Facebook. Continue well ... Greetings! Gabih Menconi



Madonna admits she suffered bullying

Madonna, queen of pop, confessed that as a child and teenager suffered bullying (bullying), he was molested by her schoolmates for being different. "I still feel different," explained the singer to appear on the agenda of Ellen DeGeneres, in the interview, Madonna said he was concerned about the high number of teen suicides because of bullying. "Suicide in general is overwhelming. Teen suicide is extremely overwhelming, but to hear that teenagers commit suicide because they are bullying in sch



Before going to bed

Before going to bed I listen to some music ... so good I will confess that every time I love this site ... most people are very good and most importantly, I can see many things about Madonna ...time to go ... tomorrow I'm back with more stuff!  Goodbye



Madonna in the Gala of the Foundation Fashion Delivers

Clothin for all , is the mission  of the Foundation Fashion Delivers and in its most recen gala , hosted Madonna Honor. The Material Girl surprises us once again for youthful image and his appearence as Queen of Pop singer seem to be very worried by the antics of his former Ligth Jesus who has launched a career as a DJ and is very popular in some pictures whit the top model Alessandra D'Ambrosio



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