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Clod's Blog

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On this year...?

Hello there....4 everyone 2011...wow....a new big year with a lot of work from my side. I'm in the last year in high school and i'm prepare 4 medical school and it's f****** hard so i don't know if i will have more time to spend here on Icon... (i don't know what to say...) i know....it's been a long time since we hadn't talk...and i'm really sorry you guys, i hope you understand me ....i had problems with my laptop, then my internet connexions was off and a lot of problems like this...a coupl



An IMPORTANT message 4 my friends

Hello my dear friends, finaly, tomorow i will go to Budapest at 3 pm and seriously i don't know if i have time and internet to answer  to all of you...i hope that i will have a lot of fun there and i promise that when i come back i will talk more often with you .... i have a bussy week so i hope you understand me. now i must to finish my bagage and go to sleep (after i eat) because i want to be fresh tomorow so...take care and see you in August i hope you understand me kisses and hugs xxxx




Hello to all, this week and the next one i can't be available to talk and have fun here because i'm gonna be on a training program and then probably i will go to Budapest ... but until i go to Budapest  i hope that i can talk with all of you i hope u understand me Take care!!!



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