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This poem by Bassey Ikpi sang to and burned me as I read it. (You can also hear her read the poem here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-BfYjZsn5A  ) May it speak to you too... Apology to My Unborn i fear that you will never sleep that like these fingers long and too thin to hold rings and commitments you will inherit your mother’s insomnia her restless spirit child, i wish I could quiet all your questions tell you the exact number of stars show you where the moon goes at sunrise i wish i co



What Teachers Make

By Taylor Mali www.taylormali.com He says the problem with teachers is, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?" He reminds the other dinner guests that it's true what they say about teachers: Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.I decide to bite my tongue instead of his and resist the temptation to remind the other dinner guests that it's also true what they say about lawyers. Because we're eating, after all, and t



Sorry Madonna, THIS is my favorite song. Perhaps it should be yours as well...Who knows... maybe it is...

And if it is...I'd sure love to hear you sing it. ANI DIFRANCO: SELF EVIDENT: (inspired by the WTC disaster) yes, us people are just poems we're 90% metaphor with a leanness of meaning approaching hyper-distillation and once upon a time we were moonshine rushing down the throat of a giraffe yes, rushing down the long hallway despite what the p.a. announcement says yes, rushing down the long stairs with the whiskey of eternity fermented and distilled to eighteen minutes burni



Made in Romania

Made in Romania Babi Minune   A song about Romanian brotherhood and Roma/gypsy integration. It was written by a Roma child!!! I love it   Chiar daca esti moldovean, ardelean sau tigan suntem Made in Romanie Even if you Moldovan,Ardelean or a gypsy,we are all made in Romania   Nu conteaza cine esti sau ce limba vorbesti It doesn't matter who you are or which language you speak   Asta este tara ta, Romaniaaa.. This is your country,Romania   Hai cu moldoveanu, cu arde



Translation of the Romanian National Anthem

De?teapt?-Te, române! (Wake up Romania/Romanian!)     I only learned the words of the Anthem this summer...after approximately 4 years of living in Romania. Quite frankly, I was blown away by the fierceness of its sentiment. First, its a far cry from "Oh Canada We Stand on Guard for Thee". Secondly, its a sentiment that I haven't particularly felt in all my time of living here... Apathy yes...Brotherhood no.   I think it would have been GREAT if Madonna sang the anthem in her Bucharest C



Madonna Uses Her "Bling" to Weild a Blow in Bucharest

I would like to take the time to both congratulate and thank Madonna for Wednesday night's concert in Bucharest. I'm a Canadian citizen who has been living and working in Bucharest for the past 4 years (I speak basic Romanian and have been closely studying the country's culture). I was at the concert and quite frankly, I couldn't have cheered any louder for her!! My VOICE still hurts Madonna, as "The Material Girl", is a Romanian national icon. Many Romanians have hailed and embraced her mater



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